And now let’s build the team. Copyright: Owen Smith Photography

Flooded with talent

Over 3.500 CVs in 12 days to the Digital Transformation Team

Paolo Barberis
Team per la Trasformazione Digitale
2 min readOct 13, 2016


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We’ve received thousands of applications and expressions of interest. To be exact, 3.455 were sent through our website, plus hundreds of emails and enquiries that were made both directly and through social media by all kinds of talented people – young and not so young, women and men – who wish to contribute with a lot of enthusiasm and determination to the digital transformation of our country. In short, we are delighted to feel “flooded” with talent. What a great feeling!

The hard work starts now: selecting those talents we need to create a determined and competent team of true “missionaries of modernity.” At the moment we’re a small group, so it might take us a few weeks to assess the professional profiles with the appropriate level of attention.

As we announced on Monday, we stopped collecting your CVs and enquiries through our website a few hours ago, but that doesn’t mean that we’ll stop listening – we’re always open to those who want to contribute to our mission. Even if we’ll have no open positions, a “work with us” page will be available to continue collecting the professional profiles of those who are interested in our mission. This page will be available during the next few days.

Some people applied to work with us before we published the announcement on our website and on social media, and we contacted others ourselves because we were familiar with the high-standard quality of their work, and we really wanted them to be part of our team. With some of those we’re already finalizing a collaboration agreement, but we still haven’t stopped collecting professional profiles for their positions because in the future we might need people with similar qualifications.

I’m saying this also to underline that we’re always on the lookout for the best talents – scouting isn’t an activity that only lasts the duration of a call: we always have our eyes open. The best way to work with us in the future is to show us what you’re doing and what you achieved.

If we find that your profile is consistent with our requirements and is right for the team, we’ll get in touch with you. We’ve seen many interesting CVs, but the supply is far greater than the demand!

We can’t afford to ignore so much enthusiasm and passion: keep following us on Twitter and LinkedIn. In short, we’ll make good use of your suggestions.

We can’t work on the country’s digital transformation on our own: we need your creativity, your encouragement, your participation and all your support.

We’re listening.



Paolo Barberis
Team per la Trasformazione Digitale

Founder di Dada, ora di Nana Bianca, e Team Digitale presso la Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri