Day 9 — It’s too hot to work

Chiaki Mizuta
Team PinkFish
Published in
3 min readApr 20, 2018

So UK has recorded its hottest day in April with 29.1C degrees in 70 years today.

Apparently that means several things;

A) Sever damage to deveops as they are hardly ever exposed to sunlights, let alone the concept of summer (if you spend your life in basement, what do you expect would happen?).

B) Makes everyone sleepy and want to go for a drink.

C) Internet company randomly decides to cut down the entire wifi.

Ok the last one is irrelevant- but it just so happened. In the morning, after everyone finished their tour of their houses back in their countries (in Ricky’s case, Surrey, apparently) with some interruption by potential employers and Elspeth who looked extremely bored, we were just about start our shiny project, and then lovely Florence gave a speech about the internet and recommended everyone to go for a drink and enjoy the sun. This is why I love Makers Academy for sure.

Some people took her advice very seriously and went out for a drink. While the room was becoming empty, our beloved Big Hemesh insisted that the Internet was working slowly. This is it, guys. This is the quality we want from devops; perseverance and determination, not being carried away by the crowd and think outside of the box. Chris had to go outside to get two tubs of icecream. This is how our devops team rolls.

After having some proper review as advised by lovely Kay (it wasn’t scary to reply to her at all, everyone wanted to do it but I had the honour to do so), we decided to hold some Merge Party but for some mysterious reason everyone left, and Hemesh ended up being the only attendee for the party which he had the time of his life. Afterwards, devops did their devops thing, Reena did some styling, which I tried to help but didn’t go well, and for some reason our amazing Frontend Ricky has joined devops for fixing something nobody knows what it is for sure.

Around the lunch time, everyone gave in to this summer day and went out for lunch. Which was strange as Chris has already had a Katsu wrap, but he had the urge to get another one I assume. Reena went for a fancy walk and I gave up on staying outside and went into meditation.

My mental model of #devops.

In the afternoon, everyone was sleepy and lost focus, especially Chris seemed to need more time to stand up and walk than usual, according to him, he didn’t sleep at all last night as he was carried away by the red lights on rspec. What a typical devops, in my opinion he needs to get a life quite urgently.

Reena kept working on CSS, Ricky, Hemesh and Chris worked on profile picture, I worked on error messages for blank comments and posts. It was surprisingly difficult for me as I missed the majority of the implementation of validation which Hemesh kept telling me that I need it. I had no idea what it was; I kept googling but couldn’t find a clue, I tried to just fix the html but obviously that didn’t work.
I have to be honest, but it was quite painful for me. I was given a very simple task and I thought I could do it, but the lack of basic knowledge made it unnecessarily difficult and no one had time to help me with such an easy job. I felt extremely lonely and useless, I wanted to cry.

Ricky kindly agreed to pair with me for this although he wanted to work with other pals, and this helped me a lot. I felt like I learned so much in a very short period of time. I made some test pass and I made a commit, and pushed. I felt great, and felt that I was being useful for the team.

We split around 5pm as some of us went to yoga and stuff. We’ve got one day to go, and I’m sure we’re gonna smash it!

Lacking Reena because she is too cool to be in this picture. Proper should come up soon!



Chiaki Mizuta
Team PinkFish

Ex Pastry Chef, Makers Academy graduate. Love AI/ML/Data. Made in Japan.