Get to Know Our Team: Marjolein

Vicky Mekes
Team Resilience
Published in
2 min readFeb 16, 2021

Team Resilience keeps on growing and growing. Therefore it is time for another introduction! This time we asked Marjolein, one of our amazing developers and graduate of our OutSystems Academy!

You’re a fairly new addition to the crayon box that is called Team Resilience. What colour would you be and why?

Indeed, I just started working so you could maybe say I am “het groentje” which translates to the green one, meaning “the rookie”. Although I don’t feel like that as I am very much included in Team Resilience.

What are you known for in the office? (e.g. lame jokes, always on time etc.) Please give an example as well

Definitely the clumsiest one. One time I already took the lid of my smoothie bottle and then decided it needed another shake. My colleague Leon was glad he was sitting on the left side of me, but it definitely turned the office a bit greener.

What’s the coolest thing you’re working on right now?

At Team Resilience there is a lot of space for self-development, which as a starter is one of my top priorities. I recently passed the Associate Reactive Exam and now we’re as a group helping each other prepare for the Professional Traditional Exam.

“OutSystems is an environment where development can be quick, but therefore, also prone for making mistakes.”

What’s the biggest challenge you’ve encountered so far?

I just finished my first project and found out how quickly you actually learn. This also means that the tasks get more complex and/or bigger. I think I’ve really gotten aware of how important it is to think all steps through before just starting. Especially as OutSystems is an environment where development can be quick, but therefore, also prone for making mistakes.

What are you currently watching on Netflix?

I’ve watched Breaking Bad now for the second time. Usually I never do that, but it is just such a good show!

