Get to Know Our Team: Sumeiya

Vicky Mekes
Team Resilience
Published in
2 min readFeb 26, 2021

Team Resilience keeps on growing and growing. Therefore it is time for another introduction! This time we asked Sumeiya, one of our amazing developers!

Which task or activities at work do you like best and why?

If I say programming, does it sound nerdy? Well, it’s true, I enjoy a lot implementing complex logic, because it’s like solving a jigsaw. Most of the times you need team effort to solve it and there is nothing better than having a brainstorm session with your teammates. Of course, with the pandemic social interaction have been more limited and for that reason I still haven’t met anyone in person, but that didn’t stop our Team from working together and learning together.

You are one of the crayons in the box that is called Team Resilience. Which colour are you and why?

Black, my favourite colour, simple yet powerful, like my tea :D

“The integration took several weeks to be finished, so in our daily stand-up meetings the team started calling me Miss ArcGIS”

What are you known for in the office (or at home)? (e.g. lame jokes, always on time etc.) Please give an example as well

Since I started working at TR, I was promptly assigned to a remarkably interesting project at a company that manages the energy grid in the Netherlands. As you can imagine, it was necessary to integrate the application with a geographic information system, in this case, ArcGIS. I had the opportunity to embrace this great challenge and due to some more complex requirements the integration showed to be more demanding, but that was the best part. Thanks to that I was able to improve my knowledge in Reactive and JavaScript.

The integration took several weeks to be finished, so in our daily stand-up meetings the team started calling me Miss ArcGIS.

What’s the biggest challenge you’ve encountered so far?

(answered in the previous question 😊 )

What are you currently watching on Netflix?

At home I am also known for being a binge watcher and currently I am watching several series at the same time. Curiously, most of them are terror or thriller south Korean series. And of course, documentaries, I recently watched Social Dilemma and I strongly recommend to anyone that uses Google regularly.

