Retsly partners with the Miami Association of Realtors and moves into developer open beta!

Kyle Campbell
Team Retsly
Published in
2 min readJul 28, 2016
Retsly is purpose built to help Developers, Brokerages and MLSs streamline the process of building real estate software.

I haven’t written a lot about Retsly recently because for the last 2 years our entire team has been 100% dedicated to executing on our mission of building the world’s best platform for real estate software development.

We have stubbornly believed from the beginning that the things that we are trying to achieve at Retsly are extremely important to the real estate industry and in many ways inevitable.

Thus we’ve spent all of our time thinking about how we can build out the perfect platform for real estate software development so that we are in the right place to embrace this future as it becomes reality.

Today, this future of real estate software development is real.

Earlier today we announced 4 new MLS partnerships and in conjunction with this I am now declaring that Retsly is in “open beta” for developers.

This open beta will enable us to scale the number of developers we are actively working with so that together we can drive immense value to our real estate industry partners.

I also consider it a challenge to the software development community to come join Retsly and embrace this amazing opportunity to collaborate with the real estate industry.

The shift that is happening here is once in a lifetime and while it will still take time to fully mature, it is absolutely critical to the success of this collaborative and innovative ecosystem that we as the technology and product community embrace and acknowledge these changes to ensure that our future as partners with the industry remains so very bright.

With this open beta we are calling for new and innovative software development partners who have an active interest in building exciting products for industry professionals so that together we can solidify this future by delivering exponential value to brokers, agents and their clients like they have not seen in years from the status quo.

If you have a product that you think would be perfect for integration with our platform, please take a look at our documentation and then reach out to us on our website and we will be happy to send you an invite after we have had a chance to speak to you and better understand your product.



Kyle Campbell
Team Retsly

Founder, CEO @HackCapital & @CTO_ai | Prev; CTO @Retsly, GM @Zillow.