I tried to…

Langqin Zhang
Team Working
Published in
2 min readFeb 26, 2018

“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” — Henry Ford on effective teamwork in the workplace

So, working as a team in the workplace is a good skill. It is hard for me to practice working in the workplace, but it has some similarities if I address problems with friends. It is also defined as teamwork.

Last week, I did a chemical project with my friends. It is a chemical experiment. Although we had the processes of the experiment, we were still faced with a problem about the sequences of the steps. Each one had his own ideas. Everyone thought his viewpoint was right and others are wrong. We talked for a long time and it came out no result. So, I tried to think about others’ opinions because I thought if I thought about problems from the perspective of others, I might have some different ideas that may be correct. I recommended my friends to try my method and then we knew the advantages of others’ opinions and the disadvantages of our own ideas. Finally, we perfectly finished the chemical experiment. This is a principle of inclusiveness.

Team members need to work together to discuss unceasingly, and if a person is wedded to his own opinions and can’t listen to the opinions of others, or fail to agree with others, the team’s work will not be able to proceed. The team’s efficiency lies in the tacit understanding. If it fails, the teamwork will not succeed. Therefore, when we treat other members in the team, we must have tolerant attitude and even if others made a mistake, we should also be in line with everyone to help each other ,rather than scolding. Also we should check our shortcomings, and if we are aware of our own shortcomings, we should admit our shortcomings and let others help us to improve together. This is the most effective method.

Therefore, in the next group project, I will show my principle of inclusiveness. Maybe in the next time, we can finish the project more quickly and effectively.

