Getting started with the project

Veera Eiste
Team Zooming
Published in
3 min readFeb 18, 2020
Trend map

Our topic for our project is Polar Electro’s How to use AI in Sport Exercise Guidance. For our second blog post we discussed standards that we can implement on our project and what kind of future trends should we consider. We agreed that we’re going to apply a basic human-centered design process meaning that we’ll follow the ISO 9241–210 standard Human-Centered Design for Interactive Systems for the most parts. We’re going to use the standard as a guide for our user research, so we won’t forget any essential aspects. We’ll keep the standards in mind when we specify the context, identify the target groups and their needs and requirements, produce design solutions based on the user research and eventually evaluate our design. We’ll also follow the basic process of iteration and consider users throughout the process.

We’ll also need to consider other standards in our design. For example, we’ll consider standards related to artificial intelligence, accessibility, usability and sport products. There are specific standards for training equipment, which can be useful depending on our solution. Also, if our solution is related to wearable technology, we’ll need to consider standards for that, as well. The specific standards and if we can find them depend on our specific target groups, specific context and solution ideas, and we’ll go deeper into it as the project proceeds.

The topic for our assignment is related to AI in sport exercise guidance, so we looked for trends in relation to the fitness/sport industry and technology. The trend map includes wearables, using artificial intelligence in fitness, fitness applications, smart fitness equipment, virtual reality and augmented reality. Especially wearables and virtual/augmented reality were discussed a lot regarding current and future trends. They’re also in our trend map alongside with others because they’re trends that could be considered when we come up with our design solutions. The trends are going towards more agile and wholesome experience when working out, so we need to consider that aspect also in our topic. We don’t want to go into very details with the trends, but rather have a broader understanding of the grand scheme of things. That is why all the relevant trends are displayed on the trend map.

Our trend map is still quite broad because we don’t have a specific topic for our project yet. Using AI in sport guidance could be related to any of these trends. However, we decided not to go deeper into, for example, different kinds of wearables and add them on the trend map. We most likely won’t use most of these trends for our project, but it’s not specified yet. At least we probably won’t be using trends related to smart fitness equipment, or some trends that we don’t know much about from the technical point of view. We want to work on a solution that we can come up with a best possible solution with without knowing how to, for example, program. The most potential trends are possibly related to collecting data to improve a performance or virtual trainer of some sort, because there we could implement artificial intelligence. However, we want to keep our minds open to different possibilities.


SFS-EN ISO 9241–210:2019:en. Ergonomics of human-system interaction: Human-centred design for interactive systems. (2nd ed.) Geneva: International Organization for Standardization, 07/2019.

