Case Study — Real-time Quiz game

Indika Bandara Wijesooriya
Published in
3 min readSep 23, 2016


Arimac along with iMi labs team collaborated with one of the biggest international food and beverages company to perform a fully automated quiz competition as a year-end event of the company. The same quiz competition was held in previous years annually under traditional paper-based methods but as a big step forward, Arimac joined with the organisers to make the competition more challenging and implement more engagement in terms of user experience. As Arimac values user experience in its top priority, this project was planned and designed from scratch to develop a flawless system.

The Goal

The whole game was divided into three main categories.

1) Pre-quiz game based on location data

The teams have an app that shows several answers when a user reaches a location in their working premises. As a first round, team members should collaborate together and answer the questions.

2) Real-time quiz game

This was considered as the main competition, as well as the second round. Every team has their own device which shows the questions as well as on the big screen and was given a fixed time to answer the questions. At the end of all sub-rounds of the game, the total is calculated and the winner is announced.

3) Tie-game

In case there were two or more teams have the same top marks at the end of last round, they were given another mini-game in order to score within a short time to grab the final trophy.


The iMi team of Arimac divided the development into main three categories. Initially, the mobile application was developed with native mobile APIs along with our own highly optimised quiz API to retrieve the specific questions and store the answers based on location data. All the test cases were well assured prior the event of the first round. Ultimately, all the teams who were participating the competition had an immense challenge walking around seeking new questions to grab more marks for the first round. Based on player reviews, it was concluded as one of best warm up sessions they had for an annual event organised by them.

Even though the second round was asked to maintain manually, Arimac team planned a new architecture by designing a micro-messaging synchronised communication protocol in order to handle everything in the quiz competition automatically just by a single tap of a button. From pushing a question from a touch tablet by the presenter, to show the questions on all the tablets of every team as well as the big screen, the automatic timer and its sound controls, question answering system, scoring system, data backup system, data communication monitoring and overall system maintenance were done automatically using the micro-messaging protocol over a single point of communication infrastructure. The only manual integration of the system was to identify sudden faults of the system and mid-reset to rerun the process. Even though ultimately, the quiz competition was concluded successfully with a total of zero breakdowns of the whole system.

Final and the third app was ultimately a word choosing game which requires a lot of focus and speed in order to finish it in the given time. At the end of second round, two teams were selected to play the word game and as reviewed by the players, it was one of the most engaging final rounds they have ever experienced in a quiz competition.


Arimac and iMi labs / iMi games team are always enthused on research and develop polished and accurate interactive systems grabbing the hearts and minds of users. We are determined to deliver our clients the best and the most quality products which even goes beyond their expectations.

