Shadow Arts - Drawing silhouette style Artwork

Udara Jayasanka
Published in
2 min readDec 18, 2017
silhouette style art of cat

As a vector artist you are able to use your own styles for your drawings/creations. They can be either flat color designs, 3D color designs. Apart from that Silhouette style is unique for vector arts.

I have usually following this style because it is kind of unique way to convey your idea/imagination right into community without a hassle. As you know silhouette is an style that using single color shadow type images. Maximally these arts using two or three contrasting colors for palate.

Most of the time variations of a single color is more suitable for build your full idea in a single image. ( Ex- Variation of black can use to show the depth of the image )

“ Evening love “- The depth of the art is showing using variation of black

When you try to follow the silhouette art style there are simple techniques/rules you need to follow for a good outcome.

  1. Art must be simple- Complicated arts with many images/shades will not able to convey the message .
  2. Always use Sharpe edges- Images/items that you draw in the art must have sharpen edges.That will help to make the contrast between objects.
  3. Use simple color palate- Better to use two or three colors for your palate.
  4. Use mono color or a gradient for background- background color must be simple.Sometimes gradient of two color also useful but it always depend on the art that you create.
  5. Use depth technique- As I mentioned early , you can use variation of simple color/opacity changes for create the depth of image.

Follow above simple techniques and use your creativity with them. I am sure you can have a good artworks using silhouette style.

Here are some of silhouette arts created by myself.

Enjoy !

