Who are the teaMasters?

Roshan Raju
Published in
3 min readJan 6, 2022

teaMasters ?? An unusual name for a Design team right. Well, the story behind this unusual name is the concept of a tea stall. Most of the members of the team belong to Tamil Nadu, a state in India that is rich in Culture and Tradition. One interesting tradition here in the villages is that friends gather in the evening around a Tea Stall and discuss anything and everything under the sky. Tea Stall becomes the place of heated debate, new ideas, knowledge sharing etc.

Tea Master is the person who is actually making tea for all these groups of friends and facilitating all these discussions. Taking inspiration from this, we have named our Design team as teaMasters, by virtue of which makes us the facilitators of Ideation and Problem Solving.

Enough about the back story. Let me tell you who we are at this moment :).

Over the past 4 years, we have grown to a 9-member-strong team.

Each of us has a strong unique character with different years of experience in design. While someone loves to talk to the customer and discuss their pain points and needs, someone else loves to work behind the scene perfecting each pixel in the design. While each of us is different in our own way we have something fundamentally common as well.

As the saying goes in India, “Doesn’t matter what you want to become in life, first you become an Engineer”, we are living examples of it. But unlike the general notion, our engineering degree has not gone into shambles, instead, it has given us the capability to understand the nuances of this complex space in a far better way.

From dealing with Evaluation Softwares for cutting edge technologies to designing software to manage millions of data for a semiconductor giant, the challenges we face have only scaled up. Our world gets exciting day by day and we too are excited to continue the journey with the same zest and zeal that we started with.

We hope for a challenging and successful 2022.

Thank you for reading this far.

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