7 Time Management Techniques for Busy Managers

Time Management Techniques for Busy Managers

Time management is something we must deal with every day. In the case of managers, they must perform tasks every day and often be in meetings constantly. But they must prioritize those tasks that are of greater importance in their day today.

If you are one of those busy managers that are busy from the day starts until it ends, I have listed 7 time management techniques that can help manage your time in the best possible way.

  1. Time blocking (Timeboxing)
  2. Pareto Principle
  3. Eat the Frog
  4. Eisenhower Matrix
  5. Pomodoro Technique
  6. Rapid Planning Method
  7. Goal Setting Technique

#1 Time Blocking or Timeboxing

A big propagator of this technique is the billionaire Elon Musk. As everyone knows, he is the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, and he dedicates many hours of his week to running his companies. But he has been able to balance his work schedule with his personal life thanks to the method “Time Blocking.” This method is currently used by many people in business.

This method consists of assigning a block of time to a specific task. You can use this for various tasks from a work meeting to the time you are going to use it for lunch. It can work great if you plan your week by blocking your time for the week in a more generic way but plan your day by blocking your time for specific tasks. To apply this method, you must take into account the estimated number of hours it will take you to complete a task

By applying it, you are increasing your productivity because you are concentrating your time on one activity and not on several things.

Now, thanks to the Teamcal Ai platform you can have the option to add the distribution of your time by blocks and you can track it. Teamcal Ai not only gives you the opportunity to create and block time for goals but also creates an entry in your calendar so no one can set up a meeting during that time.

If you use Time blocking technique I guarantee, you will double your productivity in a week.

Timeboxing at Teamcal Ai
20% of efforts give 80% of results

#2 Pareto Analysis also Known as the 80/20 Rule

The Pareto Analysis technique was created by the economist Vilfredo Pareto. According to this technique, 20% of all our actions will be responsible for 80% of our results. In this way, we must be attentive to the tasks that we prioritize and what we do to solve them.

This is an amazing technique to prioritize your tasks. Look for the task which gives the biggest bang to the buck and focus on them. We start this method when we make a list of the problems that we are facing, after this we identify what causes it, we give a score to each problem according to the level of importance. So, you should start working on the problem that has a high score, since this is the one that should be your priority.

#3 Eat the Frog Technique

Surely you will wonder why this technique has this particular name. The name is based on a Mark Twain quote called “Eat a live frog the first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” What this quote means is that you should do the tasks that are heaviest or most difficult first. Then, everything you do after that will be easier.

For this, you must be clear about the objectives you want to achieve most urgently. Once you have written what they are, you must give them a deadline and determine all the things necessary to carry out your objectives. Once you have organized your priorities, you can now take action and make them come true. Every day you have to repeat this action.

#4 Eisenhower Matrix

This method of time management was created by President Dwight Eisenhower many years before he became President of the United States. He was a very busy person who had to make many decisions on a daily basis.

Thus, his method is also known as the method of doing things that are important and urgent.

The method consists of organizing a list of your tasks in four quadrants. You should put in the quadrants the tasks that are important, not important, urgent, and not urgent. The urgent and important tasks are the ones that you have to do first and solve soon, the important and non-urgent tasks are tasks that are also important, but they don’t require you to be in a hurry, they can wait. Urgent but not important tasks are those tasks that you will be able to delegate to someone and finally, those tasks that are not urgent or important are those tasks that you can delete or do not have to dedicate time to in your calendar.

#5 Pomodoro Technique

This technique consists of using your time in intervals to do your work. It was created by the entrepreneur Francesco Cirillo. He calls each interval of time “Pomodoro.”

First, you must choose a task that you must perform, then you will set a time for this task, for example, an hour. Focus on the task until you finish it. Once you’re done, you put a checkmark on it. You take a short break for a few minutes and repeat the same procedure for your next goal. Once you have already completed about four goals, in the following ones you can take longer breaks.

#6 Rapid Planning Method

This method was developed by motivational speaker Tony Robbins. It consists of focusing all your results on something that you want to achieve in the not-too-distant future. This method applies the first two steps of SMART goals, which are to focus on a goal that is specific and measurable.

You have to visualize in your mind what you want to achieve until it is no longer a dream but something concrete.

Write down all the tasks you want to do during the week. Then list the purpose of it or why you want to do them and the actions you must take in order to reach those purposes.

(Goal Setting Technique)

#7 Goal Setting Technique

The goal-setting technique consists of determining which goals (long and short term) you want to achieve and determining clear tasks to achieve your goal in a given time.

The difference with the Rapid Planning Method is that they are not necessarily measurable goals. They are simply goals in the short and long term that we want and hope to accomplish.

This technique is known and mentioned by many people, but this takes a lot of determination and only a few people carry it out.

Teamcal Ai Time Management Tool

As you could see, it’s very important to manage your time. Teamcal Ai is the tool created to help you to do that. It tracks your time and reminds you what is on your to do list. And it serves as a communication tool as well, since you can program meetings with your team.

It is likely that as a manager, you must spend time not only in meetings with your workers, but you may also have to talk to clients. On the other hand, you will dedicate some time to carry out your own job according to your job position.

On the main page of your Teamcal Ai, you can specify the approximate percentage that you will dedicate to your goals during the day or week.

In this way, you can select the time block that is the most convenient. You will not only synchronize your activities with your Google or Outlook calendar, but you will also be able to specify the exact distribution of your time in your Teamcal.ai calendar.

Do you want to know more about Teamcal Ai?

You can send your questions to hi@teamcalendar.ai. A member team will gladly respond to your questions. Also, you can review our FAQs page with common questions or schedule a demo.


Borucka, Kate. 15+ Most Effective and Proven Time Management Techniques. https://www.timecamp.com/blog/2021/12/15-effective-proven-time-management-techniques/

9 Proven Time Management Techniques and Tools | USAHS. 2019. https://www.usa.edu/blog/time-management-techniques

