SUKU: Using CodeStream for Code Review, Easier than Pull Requests

Scott Lomond
New Relic CodeStream
2 min readJan 3, 2020

Overview of SUKU

SUKU is a blockchain solution used by companies to drive efficiency, transparency, and ultimately bring an institutional level of trust to the consumer-brand relationship. SUKU’s platform employs an on-demand, open, decentralized software distribution model which consists of applications and services that are utilized by various participants. These applications are intended to be built with technology partners in a continually evolving ecosystem.

The Challenge

Engineering managers for global companies like SUKU commonly face the challenge of how to efficiently review code when working with offshore development teams. The challenge stems from the significant time zone differences between the teams, which was 11.5 hours for the SUKU team. The offshore team primarily relies on Slack for communications, but engineering management was seeking a more contextual way to communicate during the code review.

How the SUKU Team Uses CodeStream

  • As a project release to address a user story nears the end of the development cycle and enters QA, an engineering manager or development lead will check out the branch and review the code using CodeStream.
  • CodeStream allows the manager to review the code in his or her IDE and leave comments alongside the code, much in the same way as you can use the comment function in Google Docs to mark up a shared document.
  • SUKU leverages CoderStream’s Slack integration, so the developers receive the reviewers’ comments via Slack, and they can respond directly from Slack if they have questions.
  • When the code review cycle is finished, comments can be archived or deleted if they are no longer relevant, or they can be kept alongside the code if they provide lasting value as a form of documentation.

The Bottom Line

“Using CodeStream for code reviews is easier than using pull requests. It’s as simple as checking out a new branch and leaving comments alongside the code in my IDE, like you would comment on a Google Doc. CodeStream handles delivering my comments to the developers via Slack with all the related code snippet and location information they need to resolve the issue. CodeStrream has shortened our code review time by around 25%, which enables us to work more efficiently while maintaining quality.

- Bryce Doganer, Blockchain Engineer

Originally published at

