The Idea Behind Team Connect..

Raghu Nandan Choudhary
Team Connect
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2019

I’ve met many people in this life who had some very outstanding start-up ideas that could have created a big difference. I listened to every word they used while explaining me the whole idea, but in the end, it was all about that one word they used, If — “If I had so and so, I too would have made it big”. In every encounter I made with someone having an Idea but not the courage to chase it, I looked for every potential reason that held them back. I finally found that one reason that had enough potential to stop you from chasing your dreams. It has nothing to do with the finances you are not able to figure out, not even those personal problem of yours.

There are people who got their ideas funded and many others who kept their focus on bringing the idea to reality instead of giving up because of their personal problems. So, I moved these reasons of hinderance into the folder of Excuses. The only justified reason I could found was the lack of a platform where you are educated and advised to overcome all other challenges you face on your start-up journey.

Last year, I met an old school friend who is an engineer by profession but had an idea to start his own Travel Agency because of his interest in travelling. He had enough knowledge to create the agency’s online platform, but lacked the basics of running and managing the team and the company. Stuck in delusion, the idea went to waste.

Imagine if there was a Community where people shared their experience and knowledge, wouldn’t that idea had survived. A community of individuals who empower each other, sharing resourceful knowledge. If we are able to create a Community of this kind, the scenario would have been something different.

I don’t believe in “Ifs”. And this blog is my effort towards creating such Community. Creating difference is not that difficult. All it asks for is pure intention and true determination. Motivating and supporting you to come up with innovative start-up ideas, that are fuelled with the insights shared by the community members.

“It’s not the destination, but the journey, that matters”

This community is open to all the wannapreneur and startupreneurs, whom I do not want to commit the same errors which we did during our phase, We collectively curate some of the best stories which may change the way millennials think and help create more entrepreneurs in India.

If you have a story to share which is valuable for our our community, email raghu (at) teamvariance dot com

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Raghu Nandan Choudhary
Team Connect

Founder Team Variance, I help create self-sustainable businesses using digital & technology as a tool.