10/23 -10/29 Iterating through User Feedback

Stephanie Liao
Current Collective
Published in
1 min readOct 29, 2017

Usability Testing Session

After a brief pilot session to smooth out any disruptions in our Usability Test Plan, we started recruiting for participants. We were able to find 8 students who volunteered to test our prototype and give us feedback.

Our test was comprised of

  • 8 participants
  • 30 minute session for each participant filled with surveys, interviews, prototype talk aloud

Usability Testing Findings

Based on our test, we were able make some conclusions about some of the questions we had around our prototype

  • Participants noted that in wind energy, there is a speed maximum.
  • A question mark graphic was able to generate interest through confusion.
  • Participants enjoyed the graphics and animations in the prototype
  • Consumption and behavior change throughout the day which affects energy consumption.

Additionally, participants made some general recommendations that our next iteration will take into account

  • To increase storage as a takeaway emphasize time and downplay appliance specific consumption.
  • Animations were recommended a couple times either for the wind turbine spinning or the wind turbine breaking.
  • Reevaluate some of the iconography in the prototype

Based on these findings, we will be iterating on our prototype for a new and improved version in the coming week.

