Week 10: Animations, Observations and Adventures Abroad

Christyne Tyler
Current Collective
Published in
2 min readApr 3, 2017

This activity-filled week began with a team meeting that allowed us to debrief on our client meeting, create an animation and discuss the observations from the week prior. We ended our week with a design conference and more museum visits.

Globe from Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh, United Kingdom


Last week we had the opportunity to listen to a guest lecturer from the MITI community. Bongkeum Susana Jeong, PhD is an Invited Assistant Professor with a background in Design Policy and Visual Design. Jeong assigned us a fun yet challenging task that would allow us to create an animation for our team. We did not hesitate to begin a brainstorming session on how we could introduce ourselves using animation. After our session, our Creative Content Lead, Stephanie, created the initial design. Bria, the Creative Lead, took over and animated our design in After Effects. We spoke with Jeong on Tuesday to obtain feedback and enhance our design. We are excited to present our animation at our upcoming presentation on April 6th!

Don’t mind the missing members… this is only a sneak peek!

Observation Synthesis

We also began our experience diagram of the Electricity Museum. We reviewed the notes from our observations and identified opportunities, questions and breakdowns of the museum experience. We were able to identify additional research questions that will allow us to conduct more focused observations and interviews.

DIBI in Scotland

On Wednesday, the team found themselves flying abroad to the United Kingdom to attend the DIBI (design it, build it) conference in Edinburgh, Scotland. Industry leaders in design, development and research traveled from all over the globe to give students and professionals insightful speeches about their work.

Museum Experiences

With our free time, we decided to split up and attend museums in the UK. We visited Dynamic Earth, The Museum of Childhood, Camera Obscura and more. These museums were unlike museums we have visited before and we plan to explore what worked (and what didn’t work) in these museums.

Draw your own Kaleidoscope at Camera Obscura in Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Submarine at Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh, United Kingdom

In the upcoming week, we will find ourselves synthesizing, animating and preparing for our half-term presentation. Stay Tuned!

