Week 15: Home Stretch!

Christyne Tyler
Current Collective
Published in
2 min readMay 13, 2017

Team Current contended with this busy week by engaging in fun icebreakers at the beginning of our meetings (the pizza and gelato helped as well). Continue reading to see how we spent our second to last week in the Spring semester!


We began the week by discussing the client meeting from the previous Friday. We pitched five, first-stage concepts to our client and received constructive feedback in return. Not only did we discover the concepts they found interesting, but we also identified holes in our understanding regarding some energy-related topics.

This debrief session segued to a visioning session where we iterated on a couple of concepts to determine whether we wanted to include these concepts in our final presentation.


The visioning sessions began with a fun activity based on The Telephone Game. Each person draws an image and passes it to the person next to them. That person describes it with a sentence. This process continues until we receive our own image. Needless to say, by the time some of us received our original images — they were nothing like the original! This activity helped us prepare for a creative thinking session.

There were a few visioning activities, but our “Yes… and” session stood out. Instead of a verbal “Yes… and,” we took it to the whiteboard and conducted a “Yes… and” in a written, speed-dating format. Each team member had about one minute to write a sentence or draw an image. We rotated until we reached the topic we started on. Afterward, we each talked through the concepts and the emerging ideas.

This week’s visioning process generated three additional concepts.

Choosing Concepts

Team Current met with our client on Friday to pitch four more concepts. We used the feedback to narrow down the concepts even further.

There were five concepts that caught our interest as a team and we each anonymously voted for three concepts that we would like to pursue further. After one round of voting, we discovered the final three concepts that we will present for our Spring Presentation.

The Museum Director, Luiza, showing us a hydroelectric diagram after the meeting.


This week was more than visioning and meetings… we also prepared our Spring report and presentation. Next week, we will present our final three concepts to our instructors, peers, and client. Check in next week to see how it went!

