What is a Scholar in T.E.A.M. DAO?

Amrit Mirchandani
Published in
3 min readApr 8, 2022

Player-to-earn games require users to have specific assets to play them or to properly engage in competitive multiplayer battles. These are also the types of assets players earn to get rewarded for their playing time.

When the market gets too hot, the price of these assets can often get out of reach for some, making it impossible for them to invest enough to play the game on their own. As an example, Axie Infinity has seen the price of one Axie rise to $300 or more, and three Axies are required to play the game.

These values price out thousands of players from the game. Axie Infinity, however, is one of the games T.E.A.M. DAO supports in its scholarship program, which allows anyone to become a scholar and have access to play-to-earn game assets.

What is a scholar?

A scholar is someone who has entered a scholarship program. Cryptocurrency gaming guilds like T.E.A.M DAO provide players access to cryptoassets they need to better perform in play-to-earn games, compete with other players, and maximize their revenue.

It’s worth noting that a cryptocurrency gaming guild is an organization that provides gamers with tools, funds, and knowledge to better perform in blockchain-based titles. The assets provided by guilds are more often than not non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

A scholar is a player who has passed T.E.A.M. DAO’s selective recruitment process and is now a part of the guild. After becoming a scholar, a player is provided assets to perform better in games. In Axie Infinity, these would be Axies.

Investors who provide the assets get a cut of a player’s earnings in the game in return for these assets. To facilitate the connection between both and develop the scholarship process, T.E.A.M. DAO gets a cut that is then used according to community governance proposals.

It’s worth noting that NFTs of our scholars are minted so that the assets they are being provided can be better managed, along with the revenue they generate. Investors who put their money on the line for players can also change the assets they are being provided with.

How to become a scholar

To become a T.E.A.M. DAO scholar players will have to go through a rigorous process that ensures their performance in play-to-earn games will be on the DAO’s level. As of March 2022, these tests are not yet available to the public.

As a result, to become a scholar users must find managers in the community willing to invest in them. Social media platforms such as T.E.A.M. DAO’s Discord server and Twitter page are good places to start looking.

About T.E.A.M. DAO

T.E.A.M DAO (TEAM — Tokenized Esports Asset Management) is a next-generation tech-enabled Guild 3.0. TEAM is a platform for aspiring players, metaverse believers, and asset managers to deeply engage in the new web3 economy.

T.E.A.M DAO solves three major problems in gaming guilds as it uses community-driven player acquisition and infrastructure technology for sustainable growth, while ensuring quality through careful asset curation and gamified training to ensure a high standard for scholars and treasury values. It also allows for the easy rotation between games and tradability of scholars, boosting flexibility.

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