Claire Royle
Published in
2 min readAug 8, 2018


Satoshi is Female

Satoshi Nakomoto, creator and enigma

Bitcoin was conceived to eliminate the problem of double-spending in centralized fiat, and so Blockchain was invented in 2008 to serve as its public ledger.

And honestly, that’s about all we know.

The source code was published under the name Satoshi Nakamoto. However, Nakamoto is just a nom de plume. We don’t really know who Satoshi Nakamoto is, or anything about him… or her.

Yes, I said it. Her. We don’t know who Satoshi is, so why can’t it be a her?

That’s what Nyla Rodgers thought too when she came up with the #SatoshiIsFemale campaign.Rodgers is the founder of Mama Hope, a grassroots focused advocate for global communities, who is using #satoshiisfemale to spread the message of blockchain and female empowerment in developing nations.

The current, centralized system runs on the patriarchal values of western politics and business — bureaucracy and hierarchical systems make it hard to navigate. Blockchain’s decentralized approached of group consensus is the forward-thinking answer to many problems that we have all been waiting for.

According to her website and a recent interview with Forbes, “Satoshi is Female is a metaphor for a more optimistic, global and inclusive future.” Blockchain is exciting because its future is unknown, and therefore has the potential to be whatever we want it to be. We have the power to make the new system work for groups of people who are currently marginalized.

The proceeds for each Satoshi Is Female product are donated to Mama Hope to support women and girls worldwide.

At the moment, Rodgers is selling shirts that benefit Mama Hope. Through the campaign, she hopes that power will be redistributed back toward communities.He mission through Satoshi is Female is to encourage people to start looking at deeply ingrained social problems and assumptions with a more progressive point of view, just as blockchain is doing for business.

Read Nyla Rodgers’ entire Forbes interview here and follow the campaign on Twitter.



Claire Royle

Claire works as customer support at Team Glasses, LLC. She lives in Texas with her husband and dog, and loves baking and doing crafts.