The best moments from Virginia’s first Weekend of Action

See some of our favorite posts from this weekend — and learn how to get involved!

Team Kaine
Team Kaine


This weekend marked a *huge* milestone in the Virginia Victory 2018 campaign: Our first coordinated Weekend of Action!

“These energetic and devoted door knockers are the key to our victory in November.” Don Beyer

“Smiling because my blow out withstood the heat! Knocked doors for Kaine and Connolly in Triangle today.” — ‎Deshundra

Across the Commonwealth, folks of all ages turned out to help elect Democrats in November.

“How cute is that shirt?!” — Katherine

“A sweaty day to canvass but we got it done for Leslie Cockburn! The kids came along for the ride … and the ice I promised they’d get at the end.” — Leanne

“‘It’s time our generation stand up and change this country for the better.’ A big thanks to these Frederick county high school students who came out to knock doors with us.” — Austin

Democratic candidates, party leaders, organizers, and supporters came together for a record-breaking weekend of volunteering!

“Today’s #WeekendofAction event in Prince William County was kicked off by State Senator Jeremy McPike and Delegate Hala Ayala!” — Jimmy

“A few photos from the Weekend of Action event at the Tim Kaine Roanoke field office. Jennifer Lewis came on down to mobilize volunteers on the importance of a ground game to win the 6th District in November. Let’s go do this!” — Darius

They knocked on doors, made phone calls, wrote postcards, and met with folks to remind them about the importance of this election.

Knocking on doors to get out the vote for (the real) Tim Kaine and Don McEachin in Virginia’s 4th district!

“A big thanks to our phone bankers that have came throughout the day during our first Weekend of Action in 2018!” Austin

High noon didn’t stop us from canvassing for Jennifer Lewis and Tim Kaine! — Karen Nuzzo

Thank you to our #TeamElaine volunteers for talking to voters all over #VA02 this weekend! — Elaine Luria for Congress

Weekend of Action Kickoff with Anthony Flaccavento! Let’s do this! So much energy! — Leah Garrett

Help us make sure we keep this energy going from now until Election Day! Don’t miss out on your chance to get involved: Sign up to volunteer with Team Kaine today!



Team Kaine
Team Kaine

Official account for the grassroots team and volunteers working to re-elect @timkaine and elect Democrats up and down the ticket all across Virginia.