Livin’ Healthy to max Energy & Thought and Achieve Goals

Jonathan Miller
Published in
3 min readJan 8, 2017

I spent the last three months of 2016 developing what eventually became The teamMILLER OS, a platform designed to facilitate achieving our goals in 2017.

I invite you to visit our teamMILLER OS TRELLO board, follow our progress and share your thoughts

There is an overwhelming quantity of advice, programs and tools available for setting goals, forming habits, tracking progress, etc.

One of my goals is to blog daily to record our journey, share our experiences and track our progress.

Our Short-Term Goals Include:

Family / Personal

Theme: Healthy Lifestyle

  • Moving to Lake Tahoe — February
  • Paleo Restart — February
  • Jack Starting the Environmental Science School — March
  • Become Active in Chabad — April
  • Regulate Sleep | Triphastic — May
  • Giving Back, Habitat for Humanity — June
  • Jonathan 86 kg — July

Personal Growth

Theme: Balance

  • Alway Be in Control
  • High-Quality Every Day
  • Be Consistent
  • Don’t Make Exceptions
  • Delayed Gratification
  • Be More Authentic

Success Habits

Theme: Lead by Example

  • Review Tasks in the AM & PM
  • Invest in Relationships
  • Networking
  • Overcome Challenges
  • Exceed Expectation


Theme: Execution

  • — January
  • FITREPRENEURtraining — February
  • United Fitness — April
  • Fytns Group — June
  • iFitClub — Q4

All the work boils down to:

Live a Healthy Lifestyle that maximizes Energy & Cognitive Ability enabling us to Accomplish Our Goals.

The three most valuable pieces of advice I have received so far:

#1 Break goals into manageable chunks, e.x. 90-days and focus on achieving 1% of each goal every day.

#2 Be Consistent. Which both provides a great filter when making choices and a way to stay on track at time when you are considering ‘cheating’.

#3 Form support group around each set of goals.

OK. 00:30, past our sleep time.

Next we will discuss the tools being used and update progress.


