SMBWhy are SMBs Choosing VPS for their Hosting Needs?

Published in
5 min readMar 16, 2019

It started with a dream of building an online business. You put in the hard work, the long hours, the funds required, and it happened. You set up a business online, and even though it is small at the moment, business is flourishing and you’re looking to grow.

One of the biggest problem? You are having a tough time figuring out the online infrastructure needs for your growing business. The current server your website is on doesn’t have the bandwidth you need to expand. Also, you don’t have enough money to invest in a dedicated server, which would give you all the resources you need. The costs of owning and managing a dedicated server is too much for your restricted budget.

If this is where you are stuck, there’s a great option that is revolutionizing how SMBs (Small and Midsize Businesses) work. That option is VPS — a Virtual Private Server. This is a server that is housed in a physical server but operates independently from it. In fact, one physical server can house multiple VPS, each of which is separated from the other and has its own resources. So, unlike the shared server you might have been using, the resources are not split based on how many people are sharing the server. You get total privacy to store your files, customize your hosting plan and run your business.

What’s even better? There’s a lot more to using a VPS for your business. We’re going to explore why SMBs are adopting VPS for their business and hosting needs, and how it can benefit you.

Why are SMBs moving to VPS?

If you’re an entrepreneur with big dreams, you’re looking to grow, and a basic web hosting plan won’t be enough for you. You need scalability in memory, storage size, bandwidth, processor speed and more.

For businesses that are in a constantly changing industry, it’s good to have a flexible hosting plan, if you need to scale back operations or take control and manage the services you provide.

Finally, this is a cost-effective solution. You’ll get a server with dedicated resources, greater security, greater control, which will be less than what you will pay for a dedicated server. It’s the perfect solution for a business that wants to explore its potential, on a limited budget.

What are the benefits of VPS for SMBs?

Today, there is a lot of buzz around SMBs and VPS and for good reason — the benefits are great — and to prove it, we’ve put down a list of benefits for you. Take a look!

1. Reliability: The name Virtual Private Server has a lot to it — but one of the most important components of that name is privacy. What does that have to do with reliability? Well, the independence of your Virtual Private Server on the physical hardware means that it does not share the resources. Your website’s performance and reliability is affected by the traffic and activities of other customers on shared hosting servers. If, for instance, 2 or 3 other websites are experiencing high traffic, everyone else will be affected in a shared hosting service. This won’t happen with VPS.

2. Scalability: You may have just started your business, or you’re experiencing success and looking to grow — either way, you need to plan for the future. With VPS Hosting packages you can easily scale it to match your growing needs, by increasing your resources. In the future, if you need to scale back the resources that you bought, that is possible too. Remember, businesses are never static, and you need a hosting service that is both flexible to your needs and scalable in terms of growth.

3. Software: If you choose Shared Hosting, you have no choice over the Operating System you can run. You’ll use the same OS as every other website on the shared server. With VPS, you can choose the operating system that benefits your needs. With VPS, you can run any application that you choose.

4. Root Access: As a business owner, you like to be in control. When it comes to VPS, you’ll be given that control in the form of root access to your server. This gives you full access to your VPS account, allowing greater control over how your server is configured. The best part? With VPS, it is almost like owning a dedicated server (where you get root access) but at half the cost!

5. Increased Performance: With VPS, the resources are directed towards your business needs. Improved processing means your website will load faster, which will have a direct impact on both your search engine ranking and your user’s engagement with your website. Also, you’ll be able to run multiple processes on your server without causing any problems for any other operations that are taking place. For instance, you can backup your files, and your website won’t slow down.

6. Management: If you’re relatively new to the game, all of this can seem daunting. You have built your website but have no idea how to manage it. VPS offers managed hosting, where they take on the management duties on your behalf. This includes maintaining and updating hardware, applying security patches, and managing your virtualizing software and OS. Additionally, some VPS Hosting packages come with 24/7 tech support, which can help you resolve more technical issues or more advanced aspects of hosting.

7. Security: Many VPS providers will actively monitor your server and hardware for any threats, attacks or malware and ensure that they are dealt with swiftly and efficiently. Also, with VPS, you’re in an isolated environment (unlike shared hosting), which reduces your exposure to any threats from other users.

8. Multiple domains: Perhaps you’d like to run more than one website on your Shared Hosting account if your business involves….? However, the resources allocated to you will be stretched thin to cover all your needs. As a result, both reliability and performance take a hit. With VPS, you can choose the resources you need, and run multiple websites without affecting their performance.

It’s safe to say that by choosing VPS, you’ll be creating a secure, advanced and cost-effective future for your business and these factors certainly have attracted all growing businesses. You can also read up more pros and cons of VPS Hosting in this detailed post.

