Not your average task manager | Say hello to {RuggedTasks}

Paul Kamau
Published in
3 min readMay 17, 2018

Do More

I’m thrilled to introduce, RuggedTasks, a modern task manager that makes it easy to capture ideas, manage tasks and collaborate in a productive way.

RuggedTasks is next product from Rugged I/O built to provide a lighter version of our fully featured project management tool, RuggedProjects, in order to primarily enable non-technical users to simply begin their tasks management work stream with ease.

The user experience has been streamlined by focusing on the 5 key areas below:

  1. Simple Sign Ups
  2. Real-time messenger
  3. Task Boards
  4. Team collaboration
  5. Made for freelances, teams and agencies

Quick Sign Ups

Signup on RuggedTasks is designed to be fast, delightful and secure with the aim of turning new users into thriving, highly engaged users. Every new account comes with a 30 day free trial period and access to all the features on the platform without any restrictions.

Unlimited Tasks & Boards

The dashboard provides a snapshot perspective of your entire workflow from tasks, messages, team members, notifications and a real-time activity stream. As your tasks and boards grow, you can be confident of staying on top of multiple work streams at a moment’s glance and pick up exactly where you left off.

Real-Time Messaging

Teams can communicate directly without 3rd party apps and can write private messages, share files and invite other team members for collaborative messaging.

real-time messaging

Task Boards

Task boards are at the heart of RuggedTasks, enabling users to truly manage projects and smaller work streams seamlessly. With the ability to group related tasks, users assign tasks to other team members, quickly search through the tasks on the board and track tasks from to-do, in progress to complete.

Team collaboration

Tasks are set up to be shared with full visibility into the owners, assignee, comments and activity to provide meaningful details across your tasks. Members in your team have full access to manage tasks for a faster workflow ensuring that minimal bottlenecks are imposed on your collaboration.

Made for freelancers, team and agencies

RuggedTasks is completely free for 30 days with no payment information required for that period. Whether you’re working alone, in a team or an agency, our platform is designed to bring out the most productivity in your work. Try it out today.

Free unlimited access for 30 days



Paul Kamau

TAM @google | I write about tips, tutorials and impact AI & Machine Learning |