Joining TeamSpirit as a Front-End Engineer

Wen Sihao
TeamSpirit Engineering
3 min readJan 12, 2021


My name is Wen Sihao and I graduated from NUS. I’m a full-time frontend engineer with two years of production project experience. Before I joined TeamSpirit, I worked as a frontend engineer and UI/UX designer at Finbook for two years.

I started my learning journey as a frontend engineer in 2017 and relied on several online resources like Medium as well as Stack Overflow. By the end of 2017, I had started learning ReactJS and embarked on my career as a full-time frontend engineer. After a long period of lockdown, I joined TeamSpirit and started to work as a frontend engineer on 1st September 2020.


On my first day at TeamSpirit, all my on-boarding tasks were clearly stated on the Airtable page. I could set up my accounts and development environment easily and started my on-boarding coding task relatively quickly.

In-addition, the online welcome lunch on my first two work days were really warm and I could meet all my teammates even though we were all working from home.

The on-boarding task was well-designed. Upon completion, I had a better understanding of the code base of our current project. All my teammates were friendly and willing to help when I encountered problems.

My on-boarding process was quite successful. I finished my code task and most part of the Salesforce trailhead platform course. In addition, being involved in daily and frontend meetings really helped me to get familiar with our development cycle and sprint structure.

Probation Period

After my on-boarding month, I started to work on my first task. This was my first time contributing to a large project, so I felt nervous. Even though I got help from my teammate to understand the code base during the on-boarding period, it was still a big challenge for me to understand every implementation in detail.

Thankfully, I was given enough time and help to do my first task. After reading through all the code that my component was related to, I carefully tested all the functions. In this manner, I finished my first small and meaningful task.

I was also able to contribute a new idea to improve our project. As a front-end developer with some design experience. I came up with my graphic improvement idea and started to contribute my UI design.

Flexibility and Freedom

During this period, I found out that we were provided with full flexibility to accomplish the task assigned and also able to contribute our own thought to the project. This is something I deeply appreciate.

Recently, I’ve also just completed my probation period and I’m enjoying working in TeamSpirit. I really look forward to my future work days in TeamSpirit and am looking forward to everyone’s continued guidance. :)

