React component patterns

William Whatley
Parakeet Design
Published in
5 min readJun 28, 2018

Inspired by a technical talk I’m giving for a Meetup, I wanted to take a moment and share what I’ve learned on React component patterns. Components are the heart of React, so understanding how to utilize them is paramount to creating great design structures.

The diagrams provided are from an excellent talk that Michael Chan gave on React component patterns. I highly recommend watching the video.

What is a component?

According to, “Components let you split the UI into independent, reusable pieces, and think about each piece in isolation.”

The first time you npm install react you get one thing: a component and its API’s. Similar to JavaScript functions, a component accepts inputs called “props” and returns React elements, which describes (declares) what the user interface (UI) should look like. This is why React is referred to as a declarative API, because you tell it what you want the UI to look like and React takes care of the rest.

Think of declarative as you taking a taxi to a destination — you tell the driver where to go and he/she does the actual driving to get you there. Imperative would be the opposite — you’re driving yourself to get to your destination.

Component API’s

So what are these API’s you get when you install react? There are five and they are:

  • render
  • state
  • props
  • context
  • lifecycle events

Although a component has full capability of utilizing all of the above API’s, you’ll find naturally that some components tend to use a few exclusively while other components use others exclusively. The dividing line between the two categorizes which are referred to as stateful and stateless components. Stateful components typically utilize stateful API’s: render, state, and lifecycle events, while stateless components use render, props, and context.

This is where we introduce component patterns. Component patterns are best use practices and were first introduced to split the data or logic layer and the UI or presentational layer. By dividing responsibilities amongst your components, you can create more reusable, cohesive components that can be used to compose complex UI’s. This is especially important when building apps to scale.

Component patterns

Common component patterns are:

  • Container
  • Presentational
  • Higher order components (HOC’s)
  • Render callback


“A container does data fetching and then renders its corresponding sub-component. That’s it.” — Jason Bonta

Blue is representing the container component while gray is the presentational

Containers are your data or logic layer and utilize stateful API’s. Using lifecycle events, you can connect to a state management store such as Redux or Flux, and pass down data and callbacks as props to children components. In the container’s render method is where you compose your UI consisting of presentational children components. In order to have access to all stateful API’s, a container must be a class component as opposed to a functional component.

In the example below, we have a class component called Greeting, which has state, a lifecycle event componentDidMount() and render.

At this point in time, this component is a stateful class component. In order to make Greeting a container component, we can split the UI into a presentational component, which I’ll illustrate below.


Presentational components utilize props, render, and context (stateless API’s) and can be the syntactically-pretty functional, stateless component:

Presentational components receive data and callbacks from props only, which can be provided by its container or parent component.

Blue is representing the presentational component while gray is the container

Together, containers and presentational components encapsulate logic and presentation to their prospective components:

As you can see, I’ve removed the presentational part from the Greeting class component into its own functional stateless component. Of course, this is meant to be a very easy example — with more complex apps, this is fundamental.

Higher order components (HOC’s)

A higher order component is a function that takes a component as an argument and returns a new component.

This is a powerful pattern for providing fetching and data to any number of components and can be used for reusing component logic. Think react-router-v4 and Redux. With react-router-v4, you can use withRouter() to inherit methods passed as props to your component. And with Redux, you have access to actions passed as props when you connect({})() .

The HOC is represented by the dashed line, which is a function that returns a new component

Take this example:

When exporting my component, I’m wrapping it with react-router-v4’s withRouter() . Up above in App’s lifecycle event componentDidMount() , I’m updating state with the value provided by this.props.location.pathname . By wrapping my component with withRouter() , my class component now has access to react-router-v4’s methods via props, hence this.props.location.pathname . This is just one example of many.

Render callbacks

Similar to higher order components, render callbacks or render props are used to share or reuse component logic. While many developers tend to lean more towards HOC’s for reusable logic, there are some very good reasons and advantages to use render callbacks — this is best explained in Michael Jackson’s “Never write another HOC.” Just to touch base on some of the talk’s key points, render callbacks provide the luxury of reducing namespace collision and better illustrate where exactly the logic is coming from.

Blue dashed line represents render callback

Above in the Counter class, I’m nesting this.props.children in the render method and taking this.state as an argument. Below in the App class, I’m able to wrap my component in the Counter component, hence having access to Counter’s logic. The render callback part is line 28, where I have {state => ()} — bam! I automagically have access to Counter’s state above.

Thank you for reading!

I’m always open to any suggestions to make explanations better — I learn by writing so this is far from perfect and is just my take on the subject of React component patterns.




William Whatley
Parakeet Design

React, React Native, Node, AWS; Mentor & Mentee; Indie Video Game Dev; Co-Founder @ Parakeet