Email Marketing Tips: How Personal Should You Be?

Olivier Roth
Published in
3 min readMar 26, 2020

The Internet is packed with email marketing tips, but the biggest issue you will need to address is how personal to get with each email. Sending out an entirely generic message may send your carefully crafted email straight to trash, but an overly customized message might seem unusual and too personal given the nature of the relationship. To navigate that fine line, utilize these email marketing tips to help determine how personal a marketing email from your company should be.

Don’t: Add the Recipient’s First Name in the Email Subject

Think back to the last time you sent an email to a friend or family member. In all likelihood, you didn’t include the recipients name in the email subject. Rather than appealing personal, which might be the intent, it shows that the email is likely a marketing tool. Create a catchy email subject line, but skip first names in this part of the message.

Do: Use First Names Throughout the Email

Although first names in the subject might be a mistake, using a verified first name in the opening of the email is a wonderful tool that digital marketers should absolutely use. Addressing the email to a specific person boosts the chance that the intended person reads the email. In addition, don’t be afraid to use the first name of the marketing department head or the person responsible for sending the email. This makes the message seem more personal than if it is from an entire company.

Don’t: Use a Generic Email Address

One of the biggest email marketing tips you should know is never send an email from a generic address like or Always offer recipients the chance to respond to your email. Even if they are unlikely to do so, eliminating the chance altogether right away can make readers feel like it is a one-sided campaign.

Do: Stick With First and Second Person Writing

Although research papers and professional writing might take place in the third person, conversations never do. Avoid looking too formal or impersonal in an email campaign by sticking to the use of first and second person writing. Include the words you, we and us to highlight the casual manner of communication, which might help readers feel closer to the brand.

Don’t: Customize Text With Unverified Information

In an effort to appear personal, some companies make big leaps when it comes to recipient information. However, including incorrect information regarding gender, age or marital status can do the opposite of what you intend and actually showcase your unfamiliarity with the reader. Never use personal details unless they can be verified.

Do: Personalize Call of Action Whenever Possible

Whether the call of action in your email is direct or indirect, it should be personalized in some way. Including the name of the reader in the final line of the email drives home the casual and connected feel that you should strive for in the entire correspondence.

Adding a personal touch to a marketing email is a great way to form a stronger connection with readers. These dos and don’ts ensure that you effortlessly find the balance between appearing too personal and too formal.

