How to Use Your Calendar to Create a Customer Information Page or Public Event Page

Teamup Calendar
… from Teamup Blog
3 min readNov 12, 2017

Simply serve the purpose

The Need

A sales manager asked: if Bill has a meeting with Mr Smith on Monday he can set up a customer information page where other things like quotes, payments etc can be stored, a CRM of sorts…

Similarly, when a public event is scheduled, it’s very helpful to create an information page for the event so that anyone in the public may save the event date to their personal calendar and be able to share the event information further with other potential participants.

The Solution

It makes perfect sense to have a customer information page when a meeting with the customer is coming up! You don’t need to look for extra work to create the customer information page, but simply store or link to all the customer information you need for this meeting on your Teamup Calendar, then share the calendar event as a Web page with anyone who needs to know it.


  • Adding the customer information to your event: You can create a normal calendar event as you schedule the meeting. In the description field of the event editor, paste any relevant customer information from whatever sources you have, such as your CRM database, previous email communication with the customer, clips and links from your customer’s public website, social media channels, and if relevant, personal linkedin profile of the customer you will be meeting with.
  • Locating the Share menu: Open the event or right-click on it to access the Share menu, which is visible from the event viewer, event editor, or the context menu that pops up when you right-click an event.
Open any event to view or edit, select Share > As page (try live here)
Right-click any event to access the context menu, select Share > As page (try live here)
  • Sharing the page with anyone who needs to know about the meeting or event.
  • Saving the event to personal calendar or sharing further: Have you noticed the buttons in the top right of the event page? These are options for exporting the event to one’s personal calendar or share further by email or via social media. If your calendar is set up for internal use and you want to prevent customer meetings from being shared on social media, you can disable the options as described in how to customize the sharing options.

If you find this tip useful, let us know by clapping below. Thank you.

