Moffat’s Service Technicians Double Productivity with Teamup

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… from Teamup Blog
2 min readFeb 12, 2017

A case story by David Brown, Service Manager, at Moffat, Australia

About Moffat

The Moffat group designs, develops, manufactures and markets a comprehensive range of Cooking, Bakery and Meal Distribution equipment. Moffat is based in Australia. It’s fast-moving service business requires to have our technicians well organised to respond service calls from customers across large geographic regions.

The Challenge

The lack of a visual tracking system for our technicians.

Why Teamup

Teamup allows us to track and plan the activities of our technicians in real time, allowing us to maintain records, documents and photos of job-specific activities. Another important advantage of Teamup is it allows us to also monitor the activities of our regional affiliates in real time, reducing the need to phone and follow up by approximately 90%! A great tool for tracking job activity.


The Tetris-like GUI has helped our coordinator plan activities more efficiently, reducing travel times between customers, to almost double our productivity. Seriously! Our staff are doing much, much without having to work any harder. Additionally, when we receive surges of job numbers, we find we are better able to prioritise, plan and execute more effectively, and without stress. Our customers are noticing too.

Thank you David for sharing the story. It’s wonderful to know Teamup has made such a difference for your business!

Originally published at on Feb. 12, 2017

