Every year, companies spend millions of dollars on Employee Engagement and the figure has been increasing at a solid pace. Yet, employee engagement is at record low as per a recent survey. Now this calls to bring in a thought!

“Are the human resource leaders investing all this money in a non-working zone? Or the millennial workforce has higher demands.”

Either way, assumptions cannot be put to rest as this has become the central focus point for various organizations’ strategies. The added advantage is every participant of the organizational processing is equally valued and recognized as per the modern workforce dynamics.

However, you can judge an employee’s engagement through a few indicators. Employees can ask themselves a few simple questions, whose responses can help them assess the level of their engagement in the company. These are


>>>>>Adapting To The Organizational Work Culture:

HR people can help by crafting a culture where every employee fits well! This will help build an initial bonding between the organization and employee. At the same time, this is where the recruiters need to take care that while hiring new candidates, they must check on the perspective if the candidate will be a cultural fit for the organization or not.
Alongside, they can try fitting some misfits by establishing proper communication channels and make the employees understand company values, principles, and goals. When employees will get better understanding and open communications, they will themselves start putting efforts to restore the work culture.

>>>>>Appreciation & Recognition:

With proper coordination with the line managers and supervisors, HR pros can makes sure that the high-impact performers and teams must be recognized and appreciated on right time. Recognition is one of the key drivers of EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION and dedication, and thus, senior management must ensure that they stay updated about every individual’s performance and praise their contributions in front of other members.
This will not only encourage the employees creating a positive work environment, but help them become the stalwarts of the organization.

While these organizational acts can influence the employee intentions about being engaged and committed towards the organization, HR teams need to develop more out-the-box strategies and exciting opportunities for their employees that can keep them in the company for a longer duration.

HR | HRMS |Payroll Software



Prateek Sharma
TeamWise-Ageless HRMS Solution

Prateek Sharma is the Director at TrogonSoft, a company applying product development technologies and devising innovative technology products.