Give Your Employees A Multi-Directional Career Boost!

Prateek Sharma
TeamWise-Ageless HRMS Solution
4 min readJan 22, 2015


When you talk about career development, everyone plans to climb up the career ladder. While individuals try focusing on the elevating aspect, they often overlook the blank spaces that might look as failures or hurdles in their growth path. But that is just on oldie analogy for today’s dynamic career paths. In the contemporary times, people prefer spiral career staircases instead of the career ladder. This staircase better represents the desires, motivations and aspirations of workforce that is flexible and willing to explore ups, downs and horizontal moves at different stages of their career.

With an organizational viewpoint, this career pattern is more beneficial as it encourages employee engagement and retention. You can give better opportunities to your workforce as career growth doesn’t always follow an upward trend. An individual can even grow horizontally when the vertical growth is taking time. Especially the millennial workforce is always keen to look for opportunities and diverse job roles while being at the same level.
Here are a few things that employers can do to give the employees the right atmosphere to grow:

:Use a Planned Approach:

Since an organization has multi-generational workforce, it needs to plan and prepare for every generation strategically. You need a differential approach for every category’s career planning, communication, development and motivation.

This doesn’t mean that you need to give exciting tasks to the young generation graduates while treat the older employees as senior citizens. Every generation must be given an opportunistic environment in order to keep the employees interested and motivated.

:Don’t Live by Assumptions:

Since you have some wise and matured old employees, this doesn’t mean they don’t need any motivation or they are here to sit and relax. Today’s business climates need everyone to be on toes, right from senior management to the low line executives. Everyone wants to move up and down the spiral staircase exploring different phases of their professional life.

:Effective Communication Channels:

Instead of wondering why a talent left the organization, focus on maintaining effective communication and understanding with your available talent. You should have such influential mentors at leadership and management positions that can establish strong communication with their team members and listen to their career aspirations and interests.
Realizing that they are being valued and heard, employees will also try to give their best efforts as well as support organizational goals and objectives too. At the same time, managers and supervisors must support their efforts to achieve their goals.

:The Spiral Career Staircase:

These days, businesses give expanded opportunities to employees that not necessarily trend upward but horizontal, thereby giving them a quality career development. Every individual must get equal opportunity to showcase his/her capabilities in different job arenas. This can be done through job rotation or opportunity to voluntarily get involved in different projects of their interest. This is as important at the start of the career as it is in the later stages of career. Even a senior manager can be given opportunity to mentor younger employees that is a great way to make these senior managers more driven and motivated.

Thus, the staircase concept can develop your career through multiple dimensions. Earlier, individuals only focused on promotions, while today’s workforce is driven towards taking challenges, enhancing skills and exploring one’s capabilities. If businesses wish to retain and engage talent, they can do it by implementing processes and practices that give approapriate opportunity to employees to grow in multiple directions.

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Prateek Sharma
TeamWise-Ageless HRMS Solution

Prateek Sharma is the Director at TrogonSoft, a company applying product development technologies and devising innovative technology products.