Golden Rules To Follow As A Part Of Your Recruitment Strategy!

Be A Smart Recruiter Than A Conventional One !

Prateek Sharma
TeamWise-Ageless HRMS Solution


HR directors in every organization have well-set Recruitment Strategies that serve to define the volume, tone and specifics for candidates.

If that’s true for every organization, congratulations! You are in a “trapped into the box” situation, where you keep on using the stereotype techniques to sell right jobs to wrong candidates. You are not alone in it, majority of organizations are struggling with it and trying to become forward-thinking enough to develop capabilities to make great selections.

To come out of it, you can try on these few things as a part of your talent acquisition strategy:

Leader-oriented Search: When you want to fill a higher position, look for ambitious candidate who can stand for himself/herself and be a leader in true senses. Moreover, try out misfits as they are passionate about work that will ignite the zeal among his/her subordinates too!

Go for Mr./Ms. Right: Find out the ideal person for the job. This does not mean if his/her educational qualifications match up your standards, then that candidate is perfect. Hire the one that has the ability to do the job perfectly, no matter if he/she possess the desired qualifications or not! If he/she fits in right, begin preparations for a grand success party!

Swift Decisions: Hiring choices are the most difficult ones, and thus, decisions need to be taken rather wisely! But, speed is necessary, no one is asking you to take hasty decisions, but they must be quick. You never know your competitor may grab the good candidate anytime.

Internal Shifting or External Hiring: This is one of the critical decisions you need to take depending on the job opening. If it is a critical one that involves decision-making and more experienced approach, it’s better to hire someone internally who understands the culture and people well.

An Outsider Can Give Better Verdict: Sometimes, hiring new people for certain job roles brings in a fresh outlook towards certain tasks that help in enhancing creativity and productivity.

Follow Your Instincts: You need to take RISK… this is the underlying principle! Not everytime, but sometimes you need to follow your instincts and take decisions on them.

Back-ups & Background Checks: Be careful while hiring. In a corporate, it’s really difficult to trust someone and keep him/her away from being stolen by your competitors. Thus, you must always have a back-up plan and conduct proper background checks on the candidates.

These are the major talent acquisition rules that you need to keep in mind while making hiring decision. If you hire candidates on the basis of these Golden Rules, then no doubt you have the best team ever!



Prateek Sharma
TeamWise-Ageless HRMS Solution

Prateek Sharma is the Director at TrogonSoft, a company applying product development technologies and devising innovative technology products.