How To Zing Up New Employee Induction Through Technology?

Prateek Sharma
TeamWise-Ageless HRMS Solution
3 min readAug 14, 2015


Employee induction is the most teachable moment organizations have with their new joinees to align them with the existing staff and the organization’s work culture. Make this process interesting and more engaging with the help of technology to reduce the risk of failing to impress the newbies and lose them to your competitors.

For a new joinee, first few days in a company are very crucial as they set a pattern for their coming future with the company.

How to make this period an engaging and informative experience so that the employees feel they are working for a great employer ?

When it comes to induction of new hires, following things must be taken care of:

  • Get the practical stuff right so that the new joinees feel that you are a high-value service provider.
  • Have a plan for them before they start working so that they don’t feel apprehensive.
  • Inspire them by conveying what the business goals are and what you expect to be in future to get them a sense of the entire purpose.
  • Socialize them by letting them know their teammates on a less formal basis.
  • Make the entire induction process systematic.

But, the decisive factor for a successful induction is not just providing plain information. Primarily, it is communicating about the company culture, enthusiasm and vision so that employees feel excited and positive that they have made the right choice in joining your organization.

Some part of this can be achieved by providing written document to the individuals, some in what way the information is being delivered and some by using traditional face-to-face contact.

No matter howsoever it is done; the entire induction process is extremely hectic for the HR representatives and the employees too. To reduce the strain on the people involved, side-by-side assuring that the right information is communicated properly and completely, shed some load into the digital learning format. This will make the process easy and Yes, fun and engaging too.

At the same time, managers and trainers will be freed so that more focus can be put on encouraging the right culture and hasten up the integration of new employees within the organization.

The technology that you will choose to communicate company ethics and policies must:

# Be efficient enough to engage employees with interesting visual presentations and minimal text.

# Provide A Comprehensive Picture clarifying the interrelationships between all HR information.

# Align With Multiple Platforms so that information can be retrieved as per employees’ ease.

# Be Easy To Maintain in the ever-changing organizational requirements.

Technology today is extremely flexible and can perform some great things. By taking your thinking outside the confinement of traditional ways of new staff induction, it is very much possible to tie technology and induction process together in a powerful bond for sure success and high quality satisfaction for your new hires.

To accomplish this, make use of your existing HRMS Portal to display the company information, like the policies for instance. This will enable employees to read them carefully at their own ease and will not pinch your HRs for each and every small query. The HRs will also be free from verbally telling each new employee regarding the policies and the like. Thus, technology can ease out these hectic tasks to a much higher extent.

Last but not the least, make sure to partner with a reliable technology partner, keeping the creativity and innovativeness on top of your priority list in order to achieve great results.



Prateek Sharma
TeamWise-Ageless HRMS Solution

Prateek Sharma is the Director at TrogonSoft, a company applying product development technologies and devising innovative technology products.