Management & Leadership Guru of All Times!

With the end of the Season 5 of most popular and thrilling tele-drama, GAME OF THRONES, the show has just become the talk of the town. The show is based on the novel, ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ and is an action-packed, rage-inducing drama that makes you question your own beliefs and faith in humanity.

The reason why the show has received such huge fan-base worldwide is the complexity of the characters and the style with which the story is being presented. The characters are as enthralling as ever, and among the epic fights, all the violence and some deep meaning dialogues, what glorifies the series are the life lessons demonstrated in the show.

At every step you will realize, though the era and surroundings are different from yours, but the problems are similar in nature and you need to develop such leadership traits in order to survive in cut-throat competition. Amongst all the violence, what has caught attention are the political manipulations and struggle for power. It’s the mind-game!

Every character takes a unique approach to leadership and demonstrates great leadership traits that can be adopted by us in different spheres of life. While everyone is writing about the lessons that the series has for its viewers, here are some major ones that may suit your Workplace Leadership needs:

Beware of Betrayal: Stay Alert & Focused

The story revolves around a lot of betrayals, power plays and assassinations. Thus, the very strong message that the show delivers is never trust anyone blindly. Though at your workplace, the consequences would definitely not be the same as in the show (that is killing), but you might risk your organizational growth by trusting someone who is unworthy. Thus, the leaders must take cautious decisions while working on critical projects in order to have a fair deal. Learn how to choose your confidants and gain their trust on you for the achievement of organizational goals.

Be the Role Model of Your Employees: Practice What You Preach !

One character that personifies a true leader is Ned Stark! He is the man of his words! A true leader is the one who performs things effectively and means what he/she says! Just like him, in corporate scenarios, leader must indulge in realistic task performing and stay by their words, this will make the workforce more loyal and dedicated towards their leaders as well as the organization. Learn to take responsibilities, take on tough challenges and motivate your employees to win!

Be the Innovator: Break the Conventions!

Leaders don’t fear from inventing or doing something new, breaking all the shackles! Just like Daenerys’s character in the show that always has a strong opinion and finds out a great solution to problems. Remember her spellbinding speech, where she strongly puts the message to break the wheel instead of stopping it!

Similarly, a leader must also be bold enough to find innovative and permanent solutions for the challenges that crop up every now and then.

Be The Go-getter: Never Give Up!

Failures are a part of everyone’s success. A real leader will never deter him/her from trying and accomplishing new things. Stannis Baratheon had to return from the Battle with a devastated troop, but still he restored his determination and fought back. Similarly, Brienne of Tarth keeps on trying to save Start children even after their outright rejection. This is the power of true leaders to keep fighting and moving forward against all odds till they win and be confident about their actions and reactions.

Be Confident: Believe in Yourself

A leader has to be a commander (for all positive reasons) who is not just a brilliant strategist, but knows how to play the game and bring in all manipulations and smart tactics to come out with flying colors. Tywin Lannister, who dominates with confidence and never allows anybody to question his decisions, sets a perfect example how a leader show be in front of his followers.

Though, you must not take unfair decisions or force your employees to follow, you must be sure enough that what you are asking them to do will reap results and is the best possible option for the moment. Don’t give the benefit of doubt to your critics.

These are the major leadership Lessons that the leaders must learn from the show. Additionally, it contains endless lessons and examples that when considered in real world can prove to be your problem solvers on how to deal with different situations and scenarios.

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Prateek Sharma
TeamWise-Ageless HRMS Solution

Prateek Sharma is the Director at TrogonSoft, a company applying product development technologies and devising innovative technology products.