Prateek Sharma
TeamWise-Ageless HRMS Solution
4 min readAug 20, 2015


Want To Get Rid Of Daily Office Dramas ? Deal With Your Company Employees This Way!

It would have been extremely easy to run a business if you didn’t have to manage ‘people’.

When a company grows in size, the ease of supervising its people slowly decline. As a boss, you always have that ultimate option to fire that one troublesome person in your organization. But, is it the right approach? Talent is extremely hard to find and you always have that one eye of your competitor on your talent. What must be done in such a case then?

Have a look at some of the most challenging personality types and how they can be put to correct use.

1. People who are “Self-absorbed”

They have an exaggerated sense of their own importance and need constant praise and attention. They are often self-obsessed with their own knowledge and won’t ever care what other people feel. This is a major drawback for any organization.

How To Deal? The approach that might seem effective with other employees might not work with a person like this. If you want to retain them and seek productivity then give them a position of power, as they value power and take it seriously, working hard to retain their position.

2. The office “Gossip Gang”

Almost every workplace has a certain amount of gossiping, but if this turns destructive for someone else’s reputation then this breed of people is extremely hazardous for an organization. Gossip often leads to distrust and hurt individual’s feelings.

How To Deal? You know you can’t stop someone from gossiping but gossipers have a good skill of talking which can be utilized in a positive sense where a lot of talking in required. In this way you can channel their abilities on a correct path. “Sales is a good role for them.”

3. The “Drama Queens & Kings”

These employees don’t wait to show their grievances as soon as you turn their perks into something else, or a relatively difficult work is assigned to them. They will be depicting the same guilt on their co-workers too. All their communication is just self-centric and they are not born to work in teams.

How To Deal? Have them work independently on projects which don’t require a team to be worked upon. This is the best way to deal with such individuals.

4. Those “Angry Birds” at workplace

These employees are the most challenging ones to handle as they generally give their angry feelings a free rein by accusing co-workers and yelling at everyone. This might be their way of shedding their own tensions but it affects other employees.

How To Deal? Offer them counseling sessions where they can learn to control their anger or have your HRs sit with them and make them understand. Keep them away from communicating with your clients as they might ruin things for you; rather offer them a position to handle a team so that their temperament can be utilized to keep the team disciplined.

No matter what bunch of personalities you have at your workplace, you will find one or the other from the above mentioned. By arming yourself and your HRs with effective strategies, and probably a Workforce Management System to monitor individual’s performances and handling their grievances, might make the challenge of dealing with difficult co-workers slightly easy.



Prateek Sharma
TeamWise-Ageless HRMS Solution

Prateek Sharma is the Director at TrogonSoft, a company applying product development technologies and devising innovative technology products.