Do Your Job

Over the last few blog posts, I have talked about what it takes to be an effective team player. Communication, preparedness, and efficiency are ell necessary for you to be a good team player.

If a football team wants to play at its highest ability, they need to do all of these things individually, so then they can do them as a team.

It starts with your ability to be a prepared. A football player will prepare by watching film on the opposing team and creating a plan that they think will work.

The team will also need to communicate with each other. They need to know who is doing what job and when. If they all are not on the same page then someone will ruin the team.

And finally once all of that comes together, the team needs to use all these resources efficiently. They can’t waste time or energy. Every second is important.

A football team is no different than a business. Do your job and the team will succeed. Don’t do your job, and the team will fail.

In my life for the past few days, I really have just broken down what it means to be a team player and how I effect others. I thought about how I can do my job while helping others do this. I did this at a family party as we prepared dinner. I took charge and told people which jobs to do. Everyone was on the same page and we got to work. If one person was not on the same page, then the meal would have been incomplete.

Everyone needs to be a team player for the team to work.

The following graph from shows how someone’s parents income relates to the amount of teamwork they are apart of. The higher the income, the higher the chances that a student worked in teams. This shows that parents who are more successful have learned how teamwork is very important and have taught this to their kids.

Venator, J., & Reeves, R. V. (2016, July 28). Building the soft skills for success. From

