5 AWS Services You Should Avoid!

David Lin
Published in
10 min readFeb 21, 2020


09/2022 UPDATE: Please note that the article was written in early 2020. Quite a bit has changed with AWS (and myself as well, thanks to everyone’s comments). Perhaps an overhaul or followup is due!

Get ready for some personal and definitely opinionated opinions!

AWS comes with many components that cover different areas of concerns. But, most are not general purpose and cheap enough to be applied correctly. Used in the wrong context, they end up wasting time, resources, money, and will create developer friction and frustrations for months.

Here are the top 5 AWS Services you should avoid:

  1. Cognito
  2. CloudFormation
  3. ElasticCache
  4. Kinesis
  5. Lambda

COGNITO — User Management/Mobile Login

Cognito sounds great on paper. It will take care of user management for you, including Google Sign-in, Facebook Login, and handle user role assignments, reset passwords, and define password rules. It can do both Desktop and Mobile. It can work with public user pools, and private user pools (to restrict enterprise private resources).

Cognito will help you save time by presenting its own UI when requesting permission from users.

Cognito has competitors: Auth0, OneLogin, Okta, to name a few. It is also possible to implement all of those above login workflows yourself, given enough…



David Lin

I do Cloud Infrastructure/DevOps. I’m an Aspiring Entrepreneur, Hopeless Automobile Enthusiast, Student of as many things as possible