Implementing Access Control in Node.JS

Jack Yeh
Published in
4 min readJan 2, 2020


How do I choose which user can access what resources?

TL;DR — Check out Casl, which supports both approach. Read on if you are curious about terminology/which one to implement.

Quick Recap: RBAC

Role-Based Access Control is a way of controlling what resources a user can create/read/update/delete given their role(s).


  • Any user view any post.
  • Any user can edit their own post.
  • Admin user can edit anyone’s post.
  • Admin user can create groups.
  • Admin user can attach/remove any user to/from a group.

When working with a resource in the server, we check that user’s role attribute and a mapping to decide if they can perform actions or not.

Quick Recap: ABAC

Attribute-Based Access Control is a way of controlling what resources a user can create/read/update/delete, given attributes from the user/resource/execution context.


  • Any user can view any user’s public post. (Check post’s visibility attributes)
  • Any admin user can view any post, whether it is public or private.
  • Any user can view their own private post. (Check post’s visibility attributes)



Jack Yeh

I monitor your full stack deployment in production, so you can sleep at night. Docker | Kubernetes | AWS | Prometheus | Grafana