Start Here: Zero to JavaScript — Value Types

Jack Yeh
Published in
5 min readNov 18, 2020


Bite size Javascript Lesson you can finish in 3 minutes!

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Context: You need to learn JavaScript in Less than 3 Weeks for a job interview

We have all been there. I did Python and Java in college, and during the second job interview of my life, my then-boss asked me:

Can you do any frontend programming? Do you know any Javascript?

I answered honestly that I don’t know any JavaScript.

Ok, read this book and come learn on the job

Before I know it, I have been doing JavaScript for 12 years!
In today’s lesson, I will teach you about Value Types.

Before Jumping In

Did you know your browser comes with a built-in JavaScript environment? Open a new Blank Tab, right click and select “Inspect”, and you should see this scary thing:

Also know as the inspector tool, we can run JavaScript here.

Don’t worry about “Elements” for now, Click on “Console”:



Jack Yeh

I monitor your full stack deployment in production, so you can sleep at night. Docker | Kubernetes | AWS | Prometheus | Grafana