Zimbabwe elections: Praying for peace

Andrew Horton
Published in
1 min readAug 2, 2018

Zimbabwe held a general election on Monday (30 July). But since the polls closed, there have been violent protests on the streets of Harare. The Tearfund team in Zimbabwe are asking for prayer:

Pray for peace to prevail, and for political leaders to respond appropriately.

Pray for the voices of the church to be amplified, amid the violent messages heard more widely.

Pray for justice in regard to the election process itself — for the truth to prevail and for those who know it to have the courage to stand up and be heard.

Above all, pray for Zimbabweans to trust in God. At times like this, it’s easy to forget the Lord is still on his throne and trust that he is in control.

Find out about Tearfund’s work in Zimbabwe here.

