Author’s file

Freedom from Earrings

Yeap, that makes about as much sense as any of my titles. . .😀


This is a response to a poetry writing prompt from my Scribophile friend and editor of “Brainscatter” on Medium, Peculiar Julia, who is spending the entire month of April writing daily prompts for NaPoWriMo. It’s a short month, only 30 days according to the knuckles on my hand.

From her post:

Write some mass/abstract nouns down on pieces of paper.

Fold the papers and put them in a dish (charades style).

Put some random objects on a tray, or some random pictures of objects on a Pinterest board.

Pick a paper from the dish.

Make a poem about your abstract noun, featuring one of the objects/the subjects of your picture.

The first thing I did was write my list on recycled paper (I believe it’s the deed for our house in Switzerland, but I can’t read German.)

mass/abstract nouns:

vehicle (because I just updated my auto insurance)

tow truck



Then, I thought, I wonder what “mass/abstract” nouns means. I Googled it.



Ann James
Teaser Tales

Her writing muse lurks in the volcanic hills amidst mustangs, marmots and jackalopes. While hiking with her dogs, Ann stumbles upon stories of dark humor.