Image by Brigitte Werner from Pixabay

The Succubus Speaks

Born centuries ago, she is amongst you now


My name is Mikeala. I was born centuries ago. My ancestors populated the earth when men still understood their place amongst demons and spirits. Once in a millennium, one of our kind meets a man who is strong enough to endure us. His seed penetrates us and grows, blossoming into one such as me, half human, half succubus.

We still roam the earth, moving amongst you, unnoticed in your society. Our human bodies consume food as you do, but the succubus inside us needs to feed as well. She must dine on your essence, sap your energy. To do this, we need to engage in sexual congress with humans.

That energy is at its most powerful, most harvestable when the adrenaline of violence flows through your blood. In conflict, it pours from you as lust and desire. Humans can, if they are strong, withstand one attack, providing we take only what we need. A few can survive to the second, but only those that will become our protectors, or our hunters, survive a third.

So beware, the next enticing woman you meet after a fight may just be me. If you have preyed on the innocent, I will drain you until you are nothing but a husk that blows away in the wind like the chaff from corn.

Read more of Mikaela’s story



Simone Francis
Teaser Tales

Writer of dark, erotic, supernatural fiction and light, sexy humorous stories — it depends on my mood. See more at