Beethoven’s Letter About Suicide Is A Guide For Dealing With Adversity

The great composer teaches us how to fail and succeed in life’s ultimate trials

Erik Brown
Teatime History


Beethoven Developed An “Inner Ear” For Music Despite A Hearing Deficiency — Created By Author In Starryai

When I was twelve, doctors told me I needed major surgery on my spine, which would require a long recovery time. A few days before the operation, they gave me a note. It didn’t look special, but the cheap office paper with a generic font was soul-crushing.

Almost as an afterthought, a doctor mentioned it was a list of things I’d never be able to do for my entire life. Boom, that quick. It was like a door slammed in my face, taking away so many endless possibilities that power many of the dreams when you’re young.

I didn’t handle it well. For a time, I was a total prick and lashed out at whatever or whoever was in range. But over time, the limitations helped me by showing me other paths for creativity and growth. Recently, I relived all this again by reading another note from hundreds of years ago.

In 1802, on the verge of becoming the Western world’s greatest composer, Ludwig van Beethoven penned a letter about his serious contemplation of suicide. Suddenly, his future was in peril. The musician realized he was losing the one faculty that made his world possible — his hearing.

