Teatime History: March Updates

Boost heroes and insights

Prateek Dasgupta
Teatime History


Photo by Aaron Greenwood on Unsplash

Time flies. We’re about to complete the first quarter of 2024. Many new writers have joined us, and our publication is growing. And so is the writing quality. The acceptance rate for our boost nominations has significantly increased, and I’m here to help you improve your chances of getting boosted.

But first, an important announcement.

Our pub has been against AI-generated writing from the beginning. While I’ve encountered many submissions with AI, the number is reducing. But now there’s a significant change from Medium. AI-generated content is no longer eligible to earn from the Medium Partner Program.

Here’s the announcement in case you’ve missed it.

AI-generated or plagiarized stories: When the content and structure of stories and/or replies is plausibly determined to be generated by AI, accounts will be removed from the Partner Program permanently or temporarily. This is determined on a case-by-case basis. AI-generated content is permissible in non-paywalled stories if it is disclosed — but it is no longer allowed in the Partner Program, even with disclosure.

The message is loud and clear.

Don’t use AI.

Not even once.



Prateek Dasgupta
Teatime History

Top writer in History, Science, Art, Food, and Culture. Interested in lost civilizations and human evolution. Contact: prateekdasgupta@gmail.com