Ancient History

The Fascinating Empire Of The Hittites

Lost in the dust of time for millennia

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Teatime History
Published in
8 min readApr 27, 2023


Anatolian plateau, Turkey. Image source: Flickr.

The Rulers of the Land of Hatti

The Hittites had such exceptional power and influence during the Bronze Age, that they even rivalled that of the monumental New Kingdom of Egypt. Yet today, they are altogether often forgotten.

The remarkable Hittite Empire, one of the superpowers of its time, was militarily an opponent to be feared. They were masters of strategy and controlled an army of thousands of strong and modern war chariots, the best at the time, which they manoeuvred adroitly.

Politically they were more brilliant, more astute than any of their enemies or neighbours. They possessed a very human code of law. Yet this great nation not only vanished into oblivion and disappeared from history but it was lost and forgotten so totally that historians of the 19th century even denied their existence.

Hattusa, capital of the Hittite Empire. Image source: WikimediaCommons.

On a slope rising high above a valley lies ruins almost invisible from a distance, an ancient city in ruins surrounded by an impressive mountain range to the north and a dense…



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Teatime History

A History, Travel, Culture and Language writer, eager to learn more and explore the world