Submission Guidelines for ANTIGONE

Simone Walt
Published in
4 min readAug 27, 2020

There are two ways you can contribute to ANTIGONE:

  1. pitch by email for the quarterly magazine


2. submit directly to our Medium publication.

1. ANTIGONE Magazine Submissions (CLOSED)

Theme: The Future

Submissions are CLOSED for Issue 5 of ANTIGONE as of Sunday, 14 March 2021.

Theme: The Future

If there’s one thing 2020 taught us, it’s that the future is uncertain.

Being in your twenties during the ’20s has proven to be quite the challenge so far! Navigating this time of life is difficult enough as it is, but trying to plan (or even envision) your future when the future is constantly in flux is on a whole other level.

If you’re a fellow young person, submit an essay about the challenges of planning for a future that’s uncertain. What books have helped you navigate this time? If you have age and experience on your side, write for us and share your advice! What do you wish you’d known back when you were in your twenties?

How did novels envision the year 2021? How does it compare to the reality? Tell us about books across genres that envision strange and wonderful and scary and exciting futures.

Or perhaps shift your focus away from the future and to the present: how do we stay rooted in the present moment when anxieties about the future threaten to overwhelm us?

We are looking for:

  • book reviews
  • personal essays about your major, your career, or other experiences
  • opinion pieces or general articles with a “literary” angle (500 to 1,500 words)
  • creative nonfiction
  • short fiction (max. 3,000 words)
  • poetry (running max. 2 pages)
  • interviewees (if you would like to talk about your career or your upcoming novel, contact us at
  • artists, collage artists, and illustrators (if you would like to have your work featured, contact us at

Your pitch should include:

  • your name and a little bit about yourself (include a link to your Medium profile if you have one)
  • your piece summarised in two or three sentences
  • *if you have already written or drafted your article: a link to your article on Medium OR attached as a .doc, .docx, .pages, or .pdf file

Please send pitches to

Tips for getting your piece accepted for publishing:

  • If you aren’t a writer by trade, don’t be afraid to pitch to us anyway! We love having fresh voices in our publication and encourage new, inexperienced, or unpublished writers to submit. If your pitch is accepted, our editors will help refine your piece and bring the best out of it.
  • Reading our past issues will help you get a sense of the kind of writing we publish and increase your chances of getting your piece accepted.
  • Subscribe to our newsletter for inspiration and updates on the magazine.
  • Join our community by following us on Instagram and Facebook.

The deadline is Sunday, 14 March 2021.

2. General submissions on Medium (OPEN)

Step One:

Highlight this sentence:

I’d like to write for ANTIGONE.

Step Two:

Click on that last little icon that looks like a speech bubble with a lock in it.

Here, you can leave a private note telling us a little bit about yourself and what kind of articles you’d like to write for Antigone.

We will respond to your request within 3 days. In the meantime, you can draft your article!

Step Three: Once you are a writer, you can submit your piece:

  1. Click on your profile
  2. Go to Stories
  3. Select the draft you would like to submit
  4. Click on the three dots in the top right corner (next to the green Publish button)
  5. Select Add To Publication > Teawithantigone

And that’s it! Our editors will proofread your piece, leaving notes and corrections as needed. We will also provide copyright-free images to accompany your article. Please note there may be a delay between the time of accepting your piece and it’s eventual publication in ANTIGONE, due to a previously set publishing schedule.

If you have any questions, email Simoné at



Simone Walt

Writer, reader, solitude seeker. Your friendly neighbourhood English major and founder of Antigone, literary magazine: