Companies Be Warned: Employees Have Troubling Concerns About Emerging Technologies

Charlie Oliver
TECH 2025
Published in
2 min readNov 18, 2018


“People have troubling concerns about emerging technologies that would probably surprise your managers and executives — and these people include employees as well as customers. As a society, the big kitchen-table talk that we need to be having concerns our fears about the ways our role as humans may change in the future. If we continue to dodge this discussion, look out.” — Center for Services Leadership

In late October, I’ll have the divine pleasure of keynoting at the Compete Through Service Symposium hosted by Arizona State University’s Center for Services Leadership — a groundbreaking research center within the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University that “concentrates on expanding service innovation by combining the latest scientific insights from the academic world with the best of service strategy in the business world.”

The topic of their annual Symposium this year (which will draw over 200 business and academic leaders to Scottsdale, Arizona) is Tech that Propels the Future of Service where we’ll explore how tech both drives and elevates existing services as well as how it creates entirely new service offerings and businesses and Mastering Service Culture, where attendees will gain insights, cases, and tools on how to recruit, train, retain, and LEAD people in order to grow and cultivate a true culture of service within your organization.

I was recently interviewed for the Center for Services Leadership blog (Talk Amongst Yourselves: The Importance of Widening the Technology Discussion) about the future impact that emerging technologies will have on the service industries and on my keynote, Conquering Our Chronophobia: from Fear of the Technological Future to Confronting the Elephant in the Room.

The post covers how and why leadership in organizations need to shed their assumptions about their organizations, customers and the world, and help employees to do the same. This is an ongoing dialogue we’re having here at Tech 2025 with members and the broader business community. I’m very interested in getting people’s feedback on the topic so if you have comments about this (or questions, for that matter), leave it below in the comment section or tag me on Twitter at @itscomplicated. Click below to read the full article.




Charlie Oliver
TECH 2025

Founder @ServedFresh™ and @JoinTech2025. Strategist. Transitionist. Advisor. AI/Machine Learning. Unapologetic instigator of provocative discourse. INTP