3 AI Technology That Will Change the World

Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Natural Language Processing

6 min readJun 19, 2021


3 AI Technology That Will Change the World

3 AI Technology That Will Change the World

  1. Machine Learning

Machine Learning is the science of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning is a subset of data-driven predictive analytics. Machine Learning is used to develop predictive models that can make predictions. The deep learning revolution Machine learning has been years in the making, starting in the heyday of the dot-com boom. Back then, being able to effectively train a neural network wasn’t possible by any means. Thanks to Andrew Ng’s Coursera, though, we can finally adjust to the new reality. Ng has been building units of alphanumeric training, linear regression, and classification models to a level where you can actually mess around with the model. He’s shown multiple examples of how the model really works. A programmable computer that takes input, applies a math formula, and spits out tests you can grade yourself, along with predictions for what output it should give you. So, why bother learning at all? Although machine learning can expand into many unexpected areas, most of us know machine learning is useful in areas like image recognition and language processing. Naturally, machine learning has been employed in the public sector, thanks to the Government Data Act and a few follow-on grants. Google has been using machine learning for quite some time, although that term typically refers to things like machine vision or advanced deep learning. The most prominent instance of machine learning at Google is Image Search.

3 AI Technology That Will Change the World

2. Deep Learning

Deep learning is a branch of machine learning that is inspired by the structure and function of the brain. More precisely, it is an implementation of machine learning based on a set of algorithms that attempt to model high level abstractions in data by using multiple processing layers, with complex structures or weights between the layers. The deep in deep learning refers to these multiple layers. Machine Learning is the science of using algorithms to obtain learned representations. In short, Machine Learning gives us the ability to not only detect hidden patterns in data, but also to adapt to changing those patterns via supervised learning and unsupervised learning. Additionally, Machine Learning models are used to model human behavior, providing the basis for prediction of behavioral outputs from an experiment. Deep learning provides system consoles capable of synthesizing predictive models from raw representation of data in the form of text, images or audio, as well as self-supervised classification and regression work. Below is a list of AI technology that will change the world:We’ll now take a look at each of the three technology instances and how they work with an explanation of their significance for the existing and future world. Machine learning is the science of training models that learn to recognise and classify data, with the aim of predicting new patterns from old. Machine Learning helped predict customer levels, Idle hours, and of fan bases in the previous period. Machine Learning is influenced by the robustness of model structure. Hence, unless there are breakthroughs in the field of Computer Science, Machine Learning is often considered as a subset of AI. Deep Learning is machine learning for image, text, signal and hybrid geometries. Deep Learning provides systems consoles capable of synthesizing predictions from raw representation of data in the form of audio, images, or video.

3 AI Technology That Will Change the World

3. Natural Language Processing

Natural language processing (NLP) is a technology that allows a computer to understand and derive meaning from human language. It is a subfield of artificial intelligence that is related with the interactions between computers and the human (natural) languages, in particular how to program computers to process and analyze large amounts of natural language data. Machine learning is a branch of AI that is concerned with the construction and analysis of machine learning models. This machine learning is characterized by the ability of the computer to use the data in non-trivial environments — which means that it is always getting data. Also, the model or method is dynamic and computations multi-dimensional. Deep Learning is important in various industries, due to its capabilities to process huge datasets and extract insights from them. It is a branch of AI that exploits a powerful form of neural networks, called recurrent neural networks. These neural networks are composed of large networks of neurons with massive connections as input and sparse or short connections as output. These networks are inspired by the function and learning style of a large dataset and allow the computer to learn a new data structures from scratch. There are two main types of recurrent neural networks, RNNs and CNNs, whose computational power/efficiency allow to improve general-purpose AI applications.NLP algorithms are often difficult to train because they require the correct answers to questions such as: … Which of these fields has the highest error rate?… Which one of them is preferable?… Which is closest related to the data?Some NLP algorithms are organized into topics, which in turn can be classified into several sub-disciplines. There are several case studies of extensive NLP applications within specific industries which you can check out below.Stem Cell TherapiesText-to-speech (TTS) technology enables computers to read aloud text (speech). This technology, however, does not transform a normal speech into text but converts it into mathematical symbols. Neural network consists of many units interconnected through some or more computational CPU/GPUs. Various models and algorithms can be used to opt for this speech-to-text technology.

4. What is the future of AI technology?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the game in terms of how we interact with software and technology. It’s a broad term that encompasses many different subcategories, but essentially AI is software that is built to learn and make decisions on its own.Machine learning is particularly crucial in applications such as natural language processing and image analysis, which are able to use the billions of data points that make up the web, and software that is able to learn from that by looking at patterns within that data. Deep learning is when algorithms can go beyond increasing the speed and efficiency of commonly used algorithms without burdening the developer with the math necessary to reverse engineer the original algorithm. Natural language processing allows software to understand human language fluently. Both machine learning and deep learning are revolutionary in recent years due to the exponential growth in computational capabilities. Because AI has become so pervasive, there is now a significant demand among job seekers in various fields to learn how to use it.If you have negative experience using voice assistants that you’ve heard or personal experience using something that sounds sketchy, you should avoid those voice assistants. For example, Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant are able to understand domestic or private conversations (without warrant), whereas Bixby and Cortana have received criticism for attempting to read private conversations out loud (including Twitter users, who have almost 3 million recordings of conversations with Microsoft Cortana’s pop-up). A lot of people have yet to realize that voice assistants are extremely powerful and, unless explicitly trained not to, they may listen to conversations without the user’s knowledge. Artificial Intelligence is quickly developing and brimming with greater opportunities for users to engage with it. Traditionally, AI has been seen as a tool that helps machines think and act like humans, but a day is coming where it can think like us and use our cues to make decisions.

Conclusion: Whether you’re an entrepreneur or leader or common reader of the tech industry, AI will have an impact on your business in the near future. Prepare yourself!




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