A Home Screen Do-Over

Nothing to see here

Screenshot by author

I recently removed every app from the Home Screen and every other cluttered screen. I did the same thing on my iPhone. All apps on both devices then lived only in the App Library, which is now just one swipe away.

On the iPhone, I replaced the apps with useful widgets, which are more informative than the apps. On the iPad, the widgets I like are a swipe away in the opposite direction.


I did this after hearing a podcast host say that they only had a handful of apps on their Home Screen and no other screens ahead of App Library. I thought about that and realized it makes sense, but also realized that I already have my most commonly used apps in my dock. Whenever I want something else, I usually just swipe down from the middle of the screen and type what I want — if it has been recently used, it is often waiting there already. If I cannot remember the name, I head for the App Library.

The app switcher usually gives me yet another quick way to access apps.

The iPhone’s dock only allows four apps, but I have widgets on the Home Screen and in the swipe-right widget screen.

Jbkendrick reminded me in the comments about the Siri Suggestions Widget. I had forgotten about that entirely!



Anthony (Tony/Pcunix) Lawrence 👀
Tech and Me, Loving It or Hating It

Retired Unix Consultant. I write tech and humor mostly but sometimes other things. See my Lists if your interests are specific.