Do You Keep Your Devices Updated?

I’m surprised that so many do not

A cartoon depicting a smartphone at a bar being served a drink labeled “Updates.”
AI image by ChatGPT 4o from my prompt

I listened to a podcast today where two of the hosts said they have old iPads that they do not (or cannot) update with current operating system versions. That surprised me. If those machines are connected to the internet, they could be at risk of being hacked.

Once breached, the hacker could have access to the rest of your local network devices.

A hacked device could be used for storing porn. It could be used for crypto mining or identity theft. Your data could be destroyed or locked for ransom. Your communications and location could be seen.

Iot (Internet of Things) devices

This warning also applies to smart home devices also. Most of these do connect to the internet and most run some version of Linux (Android is a Linux based kernel, for example). These are a bit safer in the sense that they aren’t likely to be subject to attacks aimed at messaging or email but you should still update them. On the other hand, these are the devices we are most likely to forget about because the apps that control them may not tell us of available upgrades — if they exist at all!

How long can you get updates?



Anthony (Tony/Pcunix) Lawrence 👀
Tech and Me, Loving It or Hating It

Retired Unix Consultant. I write tech and humor mostly but sometimes other things. See my Lists if your interests are specific.