How ChatGPT Nailed an Xcode Project Creation

With nothing more than verbal instructions

An excited young man describes his vision for an Xcode app to a robot typing at an Apple computer
AI image by ChatGPT 4o from my prompt

I’ve been quite critical of ChatGPT’s coding abilities recently. Yesterday, however, I tried another experiment, and ChatGPT 4o performed remarkably well with only a description of the app I wanted and by telling it about errors from Xcode when compiling the code.

Yes, there were errors in its initial efforts, but in less than half an hour I was able to run a very simple reminder app on my iPhone.

How I asked

I gave this prompt:

I need an Xcode SwiftUI project for a simple reminder list. I want a screen that will list the reminders by date and allow adding new reminders and editing old. I only need a date and a text field for the reminder.

ChatGPT echoed its understanding and gave instructions for creating a new Xcode project. I’m not sure that the instructions as given would be enough for someone completely new to Xcode, but as you’’ll see, you can ask ChatGPT to expand on anything you don’t understand.

I created the necessary files but then realized I had left out an important instruction.

Does that code keep the reminders if the app is closed?



Anthony (Tony/Pcunix) Lawrence 👀
Tech and Me, Loving It or Hating It

Retired Unix Consultant. I write tech and humor mostly but sometimes other things. See my Lists if your interests are specific.