How Do We Fix The Poisoning of Our Planet Now?

Is it too late?

An anthropomorphic Earth coughing and with red, watery eyes as pollution spreads
AI image by ChatGPT from my prompt

I think we are way too many days late and billions of dollars short of being able to fix the destruction we have caused to our only real home. Species are dying, our food supply is threatened, and we are gridlocked by greedy companies and the politicians they bribe.

No, unlike some, I do not see the end of the human race. Some of us will survive, impoverished, sickly, and struggling until evolution helps us evolve to live in our new environment. Technology will help those people survive in the meantime, but life will be shorter, more ugly, and more dangerous.

My pessimism does not mean I don’t think we should try. Efforts to reduce CO² and pollution are worth doing even if they are only token efforts. Token beginnings can sometimes lead to great changes.

Yet one thing I seldom hear discussed in this context is what our laws could have done to prevent this and what we could do now to prevent more of the same.

For example, take the lies the oil companies told us about damages to our world. If we had known about that, we might have made stricter pollution laws earlier.

Sure, but we didn’t know. Nor did we necessarily have the technology to do much about it. I suggest we should…



Anthony (Tony/Pcunix) Lawrence 👀
Tech and Me, Loving It or Hating It

Retired Unix Consultant. I write tech and humor mostly but sometimes other things. See my Lists if your interests are specific.